The Supermarket Cure for AFib?!?
If you’ve ever had an irregular heartbeat, then you know how scary it can be. And every time your heart flutters, you feel like you could be on the fast track to a heart attack or stroke. Fortunately, Danish researchers have just found that one of the most delicious foods around could be the secret to keeping your heart beating like a drum. Read on to discover more.
Trouble Peeing? Try this Drug-Free Solution
As we get older, nighttime trips to the bathroom become a common occurrence. And the urge to pee can come on so suddenly you’ve got to make sure your route to the bathroom is clear at all times. But oftentimes you make it to the toilet to find your stream just won’t start. And you gave up on trying to fully empty your bladder years ago. Fortunately, researchers have found a simple, natural remedy that can help get your prostate back in check and help you get back to bed. Read on to discover more.
Mailbag! Are These Popular Meds Killing You?
Getting older comes with its fair share of health challenges. And for most of us, heart problems are at the top of the list. So you take statins every day to keep your cholesterol in check. The only problem is taking statins could be doing nothing to protect you from heart problems and might be upping your risk of death. Read on to discover more.
Reverse Brain Aging with This Nutrient Duo
It’s no secret that aging can really take a toll on your brain. Fortunately, some researchers from the University of Illinois have just found that two super nutrients can help shield your brain from the effects of aging and help keep your brain firing on all cylinders for years to come. Read on to discover more.
One Diet Change STOPS Vision Loss
Let’s face it — nothing’s more frustrating than losing your eyesight. What’s worse, the mainstream only offers you little help — just thicker glasses or unnerving laser surgery. Fortunately, researchers from Tufts University have found an all-natural way to stop vision loss that doesn't require any Coke-bottle glasses or lasers. Read on to discover more.
[Warning] Pain Reliever is Ruining Your Joints!
For years, we’ve been told that corticosteroid shots are the only way to relieve your knee pain without taking handfuls of dangerous painkillers or undergoing joint replacement surgeries. But the truth is corticosteroids shot could be doing more bad than good when it comes to knee pain. Read on to discover more.
Beat Diabetes & Heart Disease With This Super Spice
Weight gain doesn’t just affect your wardrobe. It can also put you on the fast track to some deadly conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Fortunately, researchers have found that a common spice can help you shed pounds and nip these diseases in the bud. Read on to discover more.
The Big Aspirin Lie Exposed!
Without question, aspirin has been the go-to treatment for folks with low-risk heart problems for years. But recently, researchers from the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute found that aspirin might be doing more harm than good. Read on to discover how aspirin could be affecting you.
Mailbag! The Ugly Truth About E-Cigs
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for you. We’ve known for decades that cigarettes can damage your heart and send your cancer risk through the roof. And these days it seems easier than ever to ditch the cancer sticks — all you have to do is pick up a handy electronic cigarette. Unfortunately, researchers from some top universities just discovered that e-cigs could put you on the fast track to cancer.
Garden Secret KILLS Cancer
stomach cancer is one of the most devastating diseases you can face. And with it can come sickening treatments and radical surgeries that could change your life forever. Fortunately, an international team of researchers has just discovered that there’s a tasty way to fight stomach cancer without drugs or life-altering operations. Read on to discover more.