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Weekend Sleeping Patterns Contribute to Obesity, Heart Disease, and Diabetes

Sleeping disturbance may be ruining your health.

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Prevent Holiday Bloating, Heartburn, and Acid Reflux With These Natural Remedies (and One Easy Trick)

Four easy ways to prevent holiday bloating, heartburn, and acid reflux.

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GMO Frankenfish Coming to Dinner: FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Salmon

They won’t be labelled, but there’s an easy way to avoid these GM fish

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Combat Ulcers, Cancer, and Heart Disease With This Thanksgiving Favorite

This holiday staple can help you fight ulcers, heart disease, and cancer.

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Terrorism, Violence, and Natural Disasters Are Ruining Your Health

The long reach of terrorism and daily violence affects your health.

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Is Organic Turkey Healthier?

Should you pay more for organic turkey this Thanksgiving?

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Get Poor Courtesy of the FDA and Big Pharma

Are Big Pharma and the FDA taking your money and not producing results?

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Make This Ancient Hawaiian Gut Healthy Food at Home

This ancient Hawaiian ferment is an easy way to add probiotics into your diet.

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When Natural Isn’t

A couple of months back, we asked you what was most frustrating or confusing about reading food labels when grocery shopping. And for the majority of you, there was a clear consensus.

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5 Ways to Increase Your Health at Home

5 easy tips to increase the health of your home

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