You Say Tomato, I Say (Tangerine) Tomahto
Get a greater dose of health-boosting lycopene from this bright orange tomato.
How Old Are You... Really?
Forget what the AMA, the AARP and the SSA have to say about what old people can and can’t do. Instead, listen to legendary pitcher Satchel Paige.
Do Sunscreens Prevent Skin Cancer? Or Do They Cause It?
Melanoma is on the rise. So is sunscreen use. Coincidence?
FDA Finally Does Something Right (Right?)
The FDA has banned trans fats. But is that really a good thing?
How Hypothyroidism Can Be Misdiagnosed
Millions of people are diagnosed with hypothyroidism each year. And most of them have to take medication for years, if not the rest of their life. But there is a simple mineral deficiency that mimics a lot of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. It’s a lot easier to correct, and you won’t need to take medication if that’s actually what’s causing your hypothyroidism symptoms.
Holy Water!
You all wrote in with some great tips and recommendations for water filtration. In fact, the inbox is overflowing.