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Serve Up This Immune System Hero for Dinner

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, The past few years have sure given our immune systems time to shine. COVID-19 and a few other co-star illnesses have turned the spotlight on this often-underappreciated aspect of health. It turns out, there’s nothing like a life-threatening disease to remind us of what’s important! Strengthening your immune system is...

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Stop Chronic Inflammation from Aging You FASTER

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Maybe it showed up for the first time during your annual checkup. Or perhaps you were feeling a bit off, so your doctor ran some bloodwork. Either way, there it is in black and white. Your recent blood test shows you have high inflammation levels. Your doc will likely tell...

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Common Bedroom Mistake Is a Blood Pressure BOMB

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You already know the “usual suspects” behind high blood pressure. I bet you could rattle them off as well as I can. Too much junk salt, aging, being overweight, sitting around all day, smoking, overdoing alcohol, and trans fats are all on the list. But something else that’s not usually...

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 Are Your Nightmares a Warning Sign of THIS Disease?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, We all have bad dreams from time to time. But you’ll want to start paying attention if those nightmares become far more common. Because, as bizarre as it sounds, scientists say they could be a red flag. If you’re acting out those dreams, it’s time to make an appointment to...

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MAILBAG: Ease Bathroom Misses NATURALLY

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “I’ve been dealing with urinary incontinence for a little over a year. Are there any natural remedies to keep it from happening?” – Rosemary from Tallahassee, FL Hi Rosemary, Urinary incontinence (UI) can have many different causes. It’s essential to see a doctor to have UI properly diagnosed. Before we...

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This Disease Risk SOARS for Seniors with COVID

Dear Living Well Daily Reader Unfortunately, COVID-19 is far from over. A quick check of the stats shows around 450-500 people are still dying from the infection every day in the United States. That’s about equal to the daily deaths we see at the HEIGHT of a bad flu season. At least we’re currently moving...

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Food Additive Sends Blood Sugar SOARING

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, That Hippocrates guy was onto something. He’s often credited with saying, “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” And I couldn’t agree more. In fact, I’m constantly telling my own patients, “Food is medicine.” Staying strong and healthy starts with what you put on your plate....

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Weird “Nose Signal” Could End in Tragedy?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Just a few years ago, losing your sense of smell or taste was pretty rare. Most folks wouldn’t have been able to name a single disease linked to these conditions. Of course, all that has changed. Nowadays everyone knows losing your senses of taste and smell is often linked to...

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“Magic Bean” Method Slashes Kidney Risk By 23%

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I can honestly say that no one has ever asked me how they can take better care of their kidneys. Unless they were already fighting kidney failure, of course. Instead, people tend to focus on their heart, brain, stomach, lungs, or even the liver. But their poor kidneys never get...

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ALERT: Your “Smart” Device Causing Cell Damage?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader,   Most of us couldn’t imagine living without our “devices” these days. Our smartphones, laptops, and smart TVs fit seamlessly into our daily routines. If you’re like a lot of folks, you’ve come to rely on them for everything from work to entertainment. And you certainly don’t suspect they could be...

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