Mailbag: Dizziness and Aging Demystified
“Lately I’ve been experiencing frequent dizzy spells and feel unsteady on my feet. Is it a normal part of aging?” -Robert Hi Robert, Whenever a patient, regardless of age, asks me about frequent dizziness or unsteadiness, my short answer is, “No, it’s NOT a normal part of aging.” Our bodies do go through changes as...

Common Diet Mistake Sends Dementia Risk Soaring
Folks, it’s time to get real about the garbage we’re putting into our bodies. For far too long, we’ve turned a blind eye to the deplorable state of our food system, but now, the truth is finally coming to light. There has been a virtual explosion of news about the dangers of ultra-processed foods in...

Sip Your way to Better Slumber
For centuries, people have turned to the soothing properties of the citrus-scented beebrush. And for good reason. This fragrant South American herb is known to calm minds and help folks drift off into a peaceful slumber. Now, a groundbreaking study has brought this ancient remedy back into the spotlight, providing scientific backup for what we’ve...

Surprising Drug-Free Secret to Easing Back Pain
Back pain is serious business. But it’s seldom taken seriously. It can affect almost everything you do, interfering in daily activities, from walking to everyday chores like cooking and cleaning. The pain can range from a dull ache to debilitating muscle spasms. At its worst, it can even be hard to get out of bed....

Surprising Combination Transforms Mind and Body
The secret to unlocking a healthier, happier version of you has just been revealed—and it’s not what you might expect! Recent research uncovered a powerful combination that can transform your mind and body, regardless of age or fitness level. But here’s the catch: it’s not found in a pricey pill, a fancy gym, or an...
Prediabetes? Do THIS to Avoid Diabetes
Prediabetes is a condition where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. It means your body struggles to process sugar (glucose) properly. The condition is more common than you might think. In fact, more than one in three American adults have it. But...
Easy Diet Trick SLASHES Stress and Anxiety
Do you know what we could all use MORE of in our lives? LESS anxiety and stress! You’d think that our stress levels would drop as we age. After all, we’ve already done all the hard stuff (and lived to tell the tales)! Well, it turns out that nothing could be further from the truth....
Mailbag: Triggers for Troubling Bathroom Changes
“I’ve noticed some changes in my bathroom habits, including constipation and occasional incontinence. Could these be signs of something serious?” – Walter Hi Walter, Digestion complaints such as constipation and occasional incontinence can be uncomfortable and concerning, but they don’t always indicate a major problem. While both occurring at the same time could be a...
Potent Pair “Erases” IBS Symptoms
Are you sick and tired of the endless discomfort and embarrassment that comes from living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? Well, you’re in good company. In fact, more than 25 million folks in the United States ALONE battle the diarrhea, constipation, and gastrointestinal stress of this frustrating condition. But now, new research has uncovered a...
Study Reveals ANOTHER Powerful Coffee Perk
Before I get started, I want to say Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. I hope your day is filled with delicious food, a refreshing nap, and lots of hilarious Dad jokes. It’s time to talk about everyone’s favorite morning pick-me-up: coffee! As a long-time coffee enthusiast, I’ve always known that this...
Fish Oil CAUSES A-Fib? (Don’t Take the Bait!)
You’ve undoubtedly seen the recent “shocking” fish-oil news by now. The disturbing headlines claiming fish oil supplements cause atrial fibrillation (A-fib) or heart disease have been plastered practically everywhere you look. I’ve written about the heart BENEFITS of these supplements many times before, and now, some study has come along and concluded, “Oh, by the...
Sugar Substitute Linked to Soaring Heart Risks
If you (or someone you care about) have a sweet tooth, you should know about a recent study that’s been making waves in the health and nutrition world. Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic uncovered a disturbing link between a popular sugar substitute and an increased risk of some serious heart problems. Now, before you do...
3 Tips to Avoid Travel Constipation
It’s that time of year when we pile into our car, punch in a distant location, and point ourselves toward our summer vacation destination. But, all too often, an uninvited guest is coming along for the ride…. travel constipation. It’s like your bowels decide to go on strike the moment you step out of your...
Is Your Bathroom Hiding a Dirty Secret?
Let’s talk about your bathroom. You probably spend much of your day there, from your morning routine to your evening wind-down. But how clean do you really keep it? Maybe you’re a neat freak, scrubbing every surface until it sparkles. Or perhaps you’re more of a “clean enough” type, giving things a quick wipe when...
MAIL: The “5 and 5 Plan” to Tackle Mental Health
“I’ve been feeling more anxious and depressed lately, and I’m not sure if it’s just a normal part of getting older. When should I seek help?” — Agnes Hi Agnes, Everyone feels a bit anxious or down sometimes. But if it’s been going on for a while and impacts your daily life, it’s definitely worth...
The TRUTH About Caffeine [Revealed]
Some people (like mainstream nutritionists) love to hate on caffeine, blaming it for everything from hyperactive kids to sleepless nights. But the truth is, in the right amount, caffeine can be a total game-changer for your mind and body. Surprised? Let me explain… First off, let’s talk about how caffeine works. Throughout the day, a...
“Miracle Mineral” Slashes Migraines
If you’re one of the millions who suffer from debilitating migraines, you know just how frustrating and life-altering they are. But new research reveals there might be an easy, natural solution to your problem right around the corner. If you’ve tried “everything” to ease your headaches before, but none of it was effective, you won’t...
Shortchanging Sleep Can Trigger THIS Disease
When did we decide that sleep is a luxury or that we should feel guilty about getting some quality shuteye when we need it? Was there a vote? Because if so, I missed it. But I wish it had never happened—because sleep is GOOD for us. In fact, it’s VITAL for optimal health. And not...
Hidden Cooking Hazard Harms Your Health
Cooking can be a joy, right? First of all, whether you’re whipping up a wicked stir-fry or making a batch of your killer stuffed burgers, cooking is a creative outlet. Plus, you get a warm, satisfied feeling from providing vital nourishment for you and your family. But it turns out what you’re cooking IN could...
5 Natural Solutions to Silence the Ring of Tinnitus
If you’re dealing with constant, maddening ringing or buzzing in your ears, you’re not alone. And you’re NOT nuts either. Tinnitus, a condition in which you hear phantom sounds that aren’t actually there, affects millions worldwide. And it’s about time we talk about what’s really going on in your brain and how you can tackle...