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The Vitamin NO Diabetic Can Afford to Ignore

The fact that so many Americans STILL have low vitamin D is puzzling. After all, the research showing how VITAL the vitamin is to our health is overwhelming. For example, maintaining adequate vitamin D levels reduces the risk of osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, respiratory infections, depression, and more. But new research...

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The Hidden Dangers of Fried Foods

It’s no wonder French fries are so popular. They’re crispy, salty, and oh-so-satisfying. As a matter of fact, as I wrote the words “crispy” and “salty” just now, my mouth watered. I’m only human, after all. But brace yourself—because what I’m about to share will make you think twice before diving into your next serving...

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FDA Finally Admits “BANNED” Soda Ingredient is Unsafe

I’m not a soda fan for MANY reasons. I wrote an entire book on the dangers of sugar, for example. And research links soda drinking to fatty liver disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer’s. And the diet stuff is no better. Fake-sugar-filled diet sodas cause “metabolic confusion,” and artificial sweeteners are...

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“Eat the Rainbow” Trick Drives Down Cancer Risk

If I were to ask you, “What’s the color of good health?” what would you say? Maybe it’s green or blue, the “colors of nature.” Or rosy pink cheeks may come to mind. Well, it turns out the “colors of the rainbow” might be the best answer. Research suggests the key to a long, healthy...

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Unexpected Danger LURKS in Your Drinking Glass

I’ve said it so often I’m in danger of sounding like a broken record. (For those folks old enough to remember them.) But this habit is such a threat to your health it’s STILL worth the risk. One of the WORST things you can swallow is sweetened beverages—made with natural and fake sugars. They’ve already...

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Frailty Leads to a Shorter Painful Life? [Surprising FIX]

Aging sure isn’t for sissies. You have to be tough as nails to manage it gracefully. Everything gets a bit more challenging. Whether it’s diet, exercise, or reducing specific risk factors, you often have to work harder to get the same results. Eventually, all the so-called “diseases of aging” start nipping at your heels, from...

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Outsmart Damaging “Zombie Cells” (4-Step Protocol)

Everyone gets a bit grouchy at times. I know I sure as heck do. But even on your worst curmudgeon days, your grumpiness pales in comparison to the bad attitude of a certain aging cell hiding out in your body right now. They’re often referred to as “zombies.” But their technical name is senescent cells....

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Powerful Pomegranate Compound Boosts Health

With its beautiful ruby-red color and perfectly sweet-tart taste, it’s no wonder the pomegranate has long been beloved worldwide. Many cultures enjoy the delicious fruit fresh or in syrups, juices, jams, and spice blends. But the value of pomegranates goes well beyond their status as a tasty treat. The fruit holds a mythic status as...

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The Strange Smile Link to Healthy Aging

I often write about oral health. And there’s a good reason for that. No, it’s not that I’m obsessed with everyone having a perfectly shiny set of pearly whites. I focus on oral care for an entirely DIFFERENT reason. It’s because what goes on in your mouth has a surprisingly large impact on your overall...

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Stay “Forever Young” with THIS Taste Bud Trick

We all want to remain youthful, healthy, and vibrant as we age. But that’s easier said than done. Sure, you can fork over the cash for the latest designer anti-aging cream, drink gallons of raw water (whatever that is?), and try to survive on a diet consisting only of green veggies. But the answer to...

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