Poor Sleep? It Could KILL You!

Noticing the bags under her eyes, I asked Melinda how she was sleeping. “Not too bad,” she said. “What does ‘not too bad’ mean,” I asked? “I get at least six hours a night,” she said. And that seems like a reasonable answer in a world of computers and phones that keep us connected to...

Weird Fungi DESTROYS Holiday Colds (Amazing!)

The holiday season is upon us… and that means so are a lot of germs. This time of year we’re all busy scampering to buy presents… visiting friends and neighbors… and spending quality time with our families. With each of these encounters we can come face to face with all kinds of colds, flus, and...

This Eating Trick STOPS Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Weight Gain.

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best solution when it comes to your heart. That’s why I always tell my patients to make easy changes like eating more whole foods… exercising more… and taking the right supplements. All good ideas! But there’s one more thing you need to do if you want to SLASH your...

Holiday Treat REVERSES Diabetes

Food IS medicine. I truly believe that. The powerful compounds found in everyday foods can help you live a longer and healthier life. Turmeric kills cancer… mushrooms stop Alzheimer’s… and carrots actually do stop vision loss. Now, it looks like Mother Nature has a food cure for diabetes, too. The only problem? You’ve been told...

[Alert] Your Doctor is WRONG 88% of the Time!

I admit it diagnosis is hard – but not THAT hard. After all, that’s what doctors – like myself– spend nearly a decade or longer learning how to do it. But it looks like some mainstream physicians are getting it all wrong when it comes to your ailments. In fact, a new study shows that...

Holiday Drink Helps KILLS Cancer?!

When it comes to fighting cancer, the usual suspects come to mind: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. And the mainstream wants to keep it this way. That’s why they do everything they can to discredit natural cures… even when they are proven to save lives. But according to a new study, the mainstream is going to...

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Delicious Diet Gives You SUPER Hearing

When it comes to your five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste), you’re probably scared to lose your sight the most. And with good reason… we make recognized danger and navigate our world through sight. But what most people don’t realize is losing your hearing is often more devastating than losing eyesight. Because not being...

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Miracle Oil SLASHES Heart Attack Risk

If you’re like most of us, you will do just about anything to never have a heart attack. That’s why you never skip your morning walk… eat lots of fruits and veggies… and try to relax when you can. But there’s something else you should do if you want to protect your heart. Because research...

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The 20-Minute Fix for Breast Cancer

If you have breast cancer, you already know how it can flip your life upside down. And with your mainstream doctor giving you endless instructions… it hard to know where to start your treatment. Chemotherapy? Radiation? A new drug? An old drug? Which natural medicines to choose? Actually… NONE of these. Instead, there’s a better...

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Delicious Diet STOPS The Flu! (Here’s How…)

If you are one of those people who gets the flu every year, then now is the time to prepare. Chances are you’ve already stockpiled all of your favorite immune boosters like vitamin C, Echinacea, and elderberry. But it looks like there’s another great way to STOP the flu before it starts. In fact, it...

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“Golden Goddess” Spice DESTROYS Cancer-Causing Bug

It’s no secret that mainstream antibiotics are dangerous. They can cause serious stomach issues… mess with your blood sugar… and even set you up for deadly antibiotic-resistant infections. Fortunately, there’s a way to fight these dangerous infections without these risky drugs that only make things worse. Because a new study shows that a certain “golden...

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“Forbidden” Fruit CRUSHES Bad Cholesterol

When it comes to controlling your cholesterol… the mainstream is full of bad advice. Statins… extreme exercise… and even avoiding healthy foods like butter and red meat. But they’re wrong about one food. Recent research shows that there’s a certain “forbidden” food that CRUSHES your bad cholesterol levels. And eating just one a day could...

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NEVER Eat After 6 PM! (Here’s Why…)

When my brother and his family came to Thanksgiving dinner, they were a bit shocked by how early we eat at my house. Generally, we’re cooking dinner around 4:00 PM. We’ve always eaten this early because eating within an 8 to 12-hour window has major health benefits like weight loss and better blood sugar. Now...

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Don’t Fall For THIS Cholesterol LIE! (SHOCKING)

The mainstream has been getting it wrong about cholesterol for decades. They told us to stop eating foods like eggs, red meat, and butter. And they were wrong. And they told us that keeping our LDL cholesterol levels low (and our HDL high), can practically ERASE our risk of having a stroke. Now it looks...

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NEVER Take This “Off-Label” Poison (SMOKERS BEWARE!)

If you’re trying to quit smoking… good job. Ditching this habit lowers your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. And there’s no doubt it’s one of the toughest things you’ll ever do. But you should think twice before you fill that anti-smoking prescription from your mainstream doc. Because there’s a dangerous “off-label” drug that...

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The 2-Food CURE for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is on the rise here in America. Every 2 minutes another one of us is diagnosed with this life-changing disease. According to experts, it looks like these numbers are only going to get worse. But there’s a way to STOP lung cancer before it starts. And it has nothing to do with smoking....

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Morning Trick MELTS Twice as Much Fat! (EASY)

Wouldn’t it be great if you could double your weight loss without changing your diet… or doing any extra exercise? It may sound too good to be true. But I can assure it’s NOT. Because cutting-edge research shows there’s a simple way to BURN TWICE as much fat. And it all starts with this easy...

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Coffee CURES This Deadly Disease?! (AMAZING!)

If you’re anything like me, you probably can’t live without your morning cup of coffee. But chances are a mainstream doc – or two – keep telling you it’s bad for you. Well, I’m here to set the record straight. COFFEEE IS GOOD FOR YOU. It boosts your brain…  improves your mood… and even slashes...

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Activate Your Youth Molecule?!

Think back to when you were 25 years old. Remember how full and exciting your life felt? It seems like any given Saturday you had the energy to go for a round of golf… take a long bike ride… and then stay out all night dancing with your best girl. And not to mention how...

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HUGE Cancer Test Breakthrough for Seniors

Excuse my French for a second… But the way we screen for colon cancer in America SUCKS. People are harmed by colonoscopies every day. And you’ll get extra “special attention” from your doctor if you’re considered high-risk for colon cancer. But how do they determine that? They look for family history (an INCREDIBLY unreliable predictor),...

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