Could THESE Pills Give You Arthritis?! (Scary)
Your mainstream doctor will blame just about everything but the kitchen sink for your arthritis pain. First, he’ll say it’s your age… or your genetics… or “normal” wear-and-tear. But you know what he won’t say? That these pills could be causing your osteoarthritis. And today, I’m going to break that silence by telling you EXACTLY...
Parkinson’s Disease Secret DISCOVERED in Scotland?
If you come from a Scottish family, you should be proud. The Scots were some of the strongest warriors of the ancient world, fighting off invading Vikings and Romans to protect their land. And new research has discovered that one of their beloved plants could fight Parkinson’s disease just as fiercely. Researchers have found that...
Word Secret” REVITALIZES Your Memory
There’s a saying that just bugs me to no end: you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. You’re getting older, you know what you know, and you aren’t going to change. That way of thinking is outdated… and, frankly, pretty harmful to your health. But when it comes to caring for your memory, the...
Mailbag! The No-Frills Sleep Solution
I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately and I think it might be the light in my bedroom. I have a more yellow light in my kitchen and I always feel tired in there. Could you offer some tips for sleeping better? –Pete from Missoula, MT This is actually a very popular question...
The A-Plus Solution for A-fib (Easy!)
I’ve had many patients come into my office seeking treatment for atrial fibrillation… but it’s still hard to witness. A-fib (as it’s often called) is a dangerous disease. The heart palpitations alone are nerve-wracking, but knowing that you could suddenly have a blood clot in your heart is a lot for any person to bear...
[COVID-19] How to Stay Safe This Holiday Season
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say this pandemic has gone on too long. We’re all tired of wearing masks, and even hearing the words, “social distancing” can ignite frustration. And the worst part is, it’s this exhaustion with the rules that’s causing an uptick in cases of COVID-19 (plus...
Cozy Winter Favorite SAVES Your Vision (Wow!)
Editor’s Note: I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas! While this season may look a little different than others, I hope that you can still find time to celebrate safely with your loved ones. You’ve probably heard it a million times… worsening vision is just a normal part of aging. But why on...
Holiday Berry to LOAD UP On (5 Reasons)
As you belly-up to the table this holiday season, you may be tempted to over-do it a bit. Want my advice? Go ahead! Now I’m not saying go on a week-long binge, but this has been a long year, and we all need to cut loose every once in a while. One or two days...
“Fish Trick” DECREASES Colon Cancer Risk
Looking around the world, it’s clear that other countries approach health differently. Whether it’s respecting natural remedies, or keeping Big Pharma out of their business, there’s a lot our mainstream medical doctors could learn. And now Japan, in particular, has drawn attention for its low number of colon cancer diagnoses. In fact, it currently has...
Festive Treat HEALS Celiac Damage
This time of year can be very difficult for people living with food allergies. Especially if you have celiac disease. While the rest of your family and friends are munching down on anything they can get their hands on, you’re the one asking for the lengthy list of ingredients in the recipe. When your host...