Mailbag! Aspirin Fails Millions of Heart Patients
For years, the mainstream has been pushing aspirin as a cure-all for anything that ails your heart. But now we know this simply isn’t true. Because according to some brand-new research from the University of Florida, aspirin does pretty much NOTHING for the millions of folks struggling with arterial stiffness. Read on to discover more.
Cooking Trick STOPS Brain Cancer
All cancer is scary. But brain cancer might just be the most terrifying of all. And if you’re one of the few who survive it, you could be faced with a long and tough road to recovery. Fortunately, Scottish researchers have recently discovered that a common food can stop brain cancer before it starts. Read on to discover more.
Terrifying New Diabetes Drug Warning
If you’re taking diabetes medication, you need to read this. According to the FDA one popular med doubles your risk of losing a foot or let. Read on to discover more.
Delicious Drink “Cancer-Proofs” Your Genes
Have you ever wished you could edit your genes? You know, somehow find a way to dodge cancer and other diseases by simply changing the way your DNA works? Sounds like some kind of futuristic science fiction, right? But as it turns out, according to Swedish researchers, there’s an easy way for some folks to alter their genes right now. Read on to discover more.
Supplement Turns Seniors Into “Brainiacs”
If you want to learn faster, boost your mood and fight dementia, you need to read this. Researchers have discovered that one simple nutrient can help you become a real “brainiac.” Read on to find out what it is.
Are These Heart Meds WORTHLESS?
Having a heart attack can be one of the scariest things in life. And if you’re lucky enough to survive one, your doc will probably want you to spend the rest of your life on risky heart meds. But according to some shocking new research from the UK, a popular drug given to heart attack patients may be totally WORTHLESS when it comes to extending your life. Read on to discover more.
Mailbag! Diet Hack Slashes Arthritis Pain 61%
Arthritis pain, especially in the knees, can be one of the worst parts of aging. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also really slam the brakes on your retirement plans. Fortunately, a new study published in The BMJ (British Medical Journal) shows there’s an easy diet hack that can help you beat knee pain without ever stepping foot in your doctor’s office. Read on to discover more.
Reverse Dementia in 3 Hours a Week!
Let’s face it — no one wants to spend their golden years in the confusion or isolation that comes along with dementia. Fortunately, Canadian researchers have just pinpointed a dead-simple way to keep your brain in top-notch shape even if you’re already having some memory troubles. And the best part — it’s free and only takes three hours out of your week. Read on to discover more.
“Soldier Food” Boosts Brain 30%
As we celebrate Memorial Day, we often hear the stories of folks who bravely served our country abroad. And if you or someone you love ever did a stint in Europe, you’ve probably heard about a weird yeast extract called Marmite. And as it turns out, there’s a good reason why soldiers and everyone else should eat just a teaspoon of Marmite every day — it can actually improve the way your brain works by a whopping 30%. Read on to discover more.
The Supermarket Cure for AFib?!?
If you’ve ever had an irregular heartbeat, then you know how scary it can be. And every time your heart flutters, you feel like you could be on the fast track to a heart attack or stroke. Fortunately, Danish researchers have just found that one of the most delicious foods around could be the secret to keeping your heart beating like a drum. Read on to discover more.