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Common Chemicals Cause High Blood Pressure?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When I told my wife about a recent study I was reading, her response was, “A girl just can catch a break!” And she’s right. Women seem particularly vulnerable to the chemicals in our environment. We see this with chemicals that damage the thyroid (women are more susceptible), and we...

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Doctor's stethoscope on a table next to pills.

Are These Drugs Making Your Blood Pressure WORSE?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’ve talked till I’m blue in the face about how high cholesterol is no big deal for most people. High blood pressure (hypertension), however, is a HUGE PROBLEM… and you want to take get your blood pressure under control as best you can. Having uncontrolled high blood pressure increases your...

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Doctor examining patient.

Delicious Treat SLASHES High Blood Pressure

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Trying to get the perfect blood pressure can really wear you down. The never-ending hours on the treadmill… the risky drugs from your mainstream doc… And what does it get you? Some barely-moved numbers and a long list of side effects. Plus, all the stress of managing it just ends up...

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Food on a table.

Dual-Purpose Veggie DEFEATS High Blood Pressure and More!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Once you reach a certain age, staying healthy often feels impossible. You worry about your blood sugar… your blood pressure… keeping a strong memory… And before you know it, you’ve made yourself sick just trying to keep up with it all! But now, there’s an easier way to get a...

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Doctor helping patient.

Delicious Treat SLASHES High Blood Pressure

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Trying to get the perfect blood pressure can really wear you down. The never-ending hours on the treadmill… the risky drugs from your mainstream doc… And what does it get you? Some barely-moved numbers and a long list of side effects. Plus, all the stress of managing it just ends up...

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Two older people talking.

INDULGE Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure?! (Yum)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Trying to get the perfect blood pressure can really wear you down. The never-ending hours on the treadmill… the risky drugs from your mainstream doc… And what does it get you? Some barely-moved numbers and a long list of side effects. Plus, all the stress of managing it just ends...

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Doctor examining patient.

[SENIORS] Out-of-Control Blood Pressure? Try This!

Trying to get the perfect blood pressure can wear you down.   The bland diet… the risky drugs from your mainstream doc… and the fear of a heart attack or stroke can really take a toll.  Fortunately, that all stops TODAY.  Because research shows there’s an easy way to END your blood pressure problems.   And it takes just minutes a day. ...

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Mailbag! BANISH High Blood Pressure Naturally

I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately and my health is suffering. Do you have anything you can recommend to lower stress and high blood pressure? –Ricardo from Atlanta, GA ********** Ricardo, You’re not alone – we’re all stressed out by these crazy times. And stress, as you’ve correctly noted, can have long-term consequences...

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[DISCOVERED] “Z” Solution SINKS Blood Pressure!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Some of the most amazing things we have in our modern world were found by accident. The ideas for penicillin, microwave ovens, x-rays, Velcro, Teflon, and even sticky-notes all came about because the inventors were looking for answers to another solution. And now there’s another amazing discovery to add to...

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Mailbag! Tired of High Blood Pressure Meds? Try THIS!

I was wondering if you could give some advice about how to lower blood pressure naturally. I hate the side effects of my medication and would like to try something else. –Norman from Rochester, NY Norman, Many people rightfully complain about the side effects of blood pressure medications. Whether it’s a persistent cough, muscle pain,...

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