“Talking Trick” REDUCES Mortality Risk 50%?! [SHOCKING]

Dear Reader,  Humans are social animals.  While being close to other people can sometimes drive us crazy, those relationships are necessary for our health, happiness, and longevity.    In a time of “Social Isolation,” keeping and maintaining strong relationships can be hard. But staying connected is crucial for your health.  Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to combat this isolation and keep yourself healthy. ...

[BREAKING] Men Are DYING Faster?!

Dear Reader,  Ask the men in your life when they last went to the doctor and most will have a hard time remembering.   I ask men this question all the time and I’m often answered with a blank stare.  You see, most men avoid going to the doctor as much as possible…but they shouldn’t.  Because men die faster.  And in my years of...

Is Your Handwashing Technique SPREADING Germs?! 

Dear Reader,  We’ve all been told to keep her hands clean – especially so in recent times.  But wouldn’t it be nice if we were told the RIGHT way to do it?  Washing your hands regularly is one of the keys to stopping the spread of germs, in part because we touch our face far more often than...

Popular Drug SKYROCKETING Your Dementia Risk?! 

Dear Reader,  When you go to your doctor with a problem you expect to be given a cure… or, at best, at least a treatment that will make your problem manageable.  What you don’t expect is for this drug to open a can of worms for other health troubles. But that’s exactly what could happen if you suffer with anything from...

ANOTHER Study Links Chemo to MORE Cancer?!

Dear Reader,  Most people are terrified at the thought of chemotherapy AND with good reason.  Chemotherapy works (in general) by poisoning cells that grow rapidly.  Unfortunately, chemotherapy doesn’t just pinpoint cancer cells, it often takes your other healthy cells along with too (like your hair, your digestive tract…).  But most people are willing to go through this pain and torture because they believe it will put an end...

IMPROVE Your Brain Health in 20 Minutes?

Dear Reader,  The fact of the matter is, getting older is tough on your whole body.  Your joints… your heart… and even your good looks all take a plunge with every passing year.   But, the worst part by far about aging is that it takes its biggest toll on your brain.  Because as you age, you lose brain cells… and eventually, your...

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High BP Is WRECKING This Organ

Dear Reader,  When I told Jim his blood pressure was dangerously high, he was quick with his reply:  “I don’t believe that high blood pressure mumbo jumbo… I feel fine.”  After all, Jim came to see me because he thought I didn’t believe in that “mumbo jumbo” either.  And honestly, there’s a part of me that doesn’t. Drug companies make billions off...

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“Foreign Chemical” CAUSING Gluten Sensitivity?! 

Dear Reader,  Have you noticed that there has been a tremendous increase in allergies over the last few years?  You used to be able to host a barbecue or a cookout without worrying if someone would have an allergy – peanut, wheat or otherwise.   But these days, you can’t have a bake sale or send treats without considering the...

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“Light Trick” STOPS Migraines?

Dear Reader,  If you’ve ever had a migraine, you already know that they are anything but a normal headache.  The throbbing pain… the blurred vision… and the extreme light and sound sensitivity can keep you in bed, hiding from noise and light for hours.   And unfortunately, your mainstream doc is not any help. They’ll just suggest dangerous drugs… or even...

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COVID-19: Affecting More than Just Your Lungs? [IMPORTANT]

Dear Reader,  Ever since COVID-19 swept across our nation, we have heard about how the virus damages our lungs.  And the virus certainly does attack the lungs: that’s why we heard all the hubbub about ventilators.    But your lungs aren’t the only thing to worry about.  Recent research shows just how dangerous coronavirus can be for another...

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[WARNING] Diabetes Drug Causes CANCER?! 

Dear Reader,  Are you taking metformin?  The FDA is contacting drug companies who manufacture the drug and informing them that found a toxic chemical called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in their drug.  And if you didn’t already know, NDMA is considered a “probable human carcinogen.”  You won’t believe what the drug company spokesperson had to say about a poison being found in their drug…   The Food and Drug...

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9 Signs Your Heart is at Risk

Dear Reader,  Your mainstream doc talks a lot about how important your heart is.   And he probably suggests expensive scans, blood work and other tests to make sure your heart is healthy.   The only problem is… they DON’T WORK.    It’s almost impossible to know if your heart is in good shape.   Case in point? My father-in-law died...

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RESTORE Your Libido with an Afternoon SNACK?!

Dear Reader,  I have a rather personal question for you…   When to opportunity arises…. Do you often feel like having sex? Or is your reaction to that thought, ugh.   If your answer is the latter — or a downright no – it could be a sign that something is a little off in your body.  If you feel your libido fading as you...

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The “Juicy Way” to Put an END to Your Cough

Dear Reader,   Coughs can be downright annoying…  A cough can start for any number of reasons: sometimes it’s an allergic reaction, sometimes it’s an infection (like a cold, flu, or even pneumonia or bronchitis) and sometimes it could be a reaction to a drug.  The cough itself really doesn’t do much harm, although it can sometimes cause your chest and ribs to hurt.  But when...

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Plant POWERHOUSE Boosts Your Heart…and More!

Dear Reader, Here’s a question for you:   When was the last time you took a drug and you got more than a single benefit from it?  Of course, that’s a ridiculous question — because most drugs can BARELY do what they’re supposed to do! What’s worse? They come with a list of side effects that’s two miles long.   Unfortunately, the same is true when it comes to your heart...

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Hearing Loss Secretly DESTROYING This Too?! 

Dear Reader,  If you ask people to repeat themselves more than a few times a day, there’s a good chance might be losing your hearing.  Most people don’t notice hearing loss because it happens slowly over time. So slow, in fact, it’s hard to tell any difference from one day to the next.    It’s good to have someone...

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Plant-Powered Pain RELIEVER?!

Dear Reader,   Let’s be honest, we’ve all done it…   When we’re in pain, we’re tempted to reach for that bottle of aspirin, ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter pain relief.  And while non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSIADS) might temporarily work, they come at an enormous cost.  Aspirin alone is responsible for 40 to 60,000 deaths every year (mostly due to stomach bleeding) and other NSAIDS are in credibly harmful for your liver.   What if...

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Coronavirus: The Secret Toll (Must Read)

You’re doing everything you can to avoid this nasty new coronavirus.   I’m sure you’re washing your hands regularly… avoiding big crowds… and maybe even wearing a mask.   All in the name of keeping yourself and the people you love healthy.   But just because you haven’t been INFECTED doesn’t mean you haven’t been AFFECTED.   There’s a...

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Mild COVID-19? Don’t Be So Sure

We’ve seen all of the horror stories about COVID-19.   All around the world, hundreds of thousands of people have either died or been brought to death’s door by the disease.   But there has been one ray of hope…  We know that some people don’t get sick once infected… or they develop just a mild case...

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Save Your Brain With This EASY Fruit Secret

Father Time has a way of making every organ in our body slow down.  And that goes double for our brains.  It’s frustrating to forget where you parked your car or left your wallet…  Or to hear a song on the radio and not remember its name.   But there may be a simple way to...

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