Conquer Depression for PENNIES a Day!
Depression is practically an epidemic in America. But loading up on key nutrients like magnesium can erase your symptoms for good.
Stop Following This TERRIBLE Diet Advice
Nutritionists keep demanding that you count calories. But it’s a shoddy and ineffective way to lose weight. Here’s something that actually works.
This “Muscle Hack” Adds YEARS to Your Life
Studies show that your muscle tone determines how long you live. And building new, sturdy muscle is a lot easier than you may think.
Is THIS the Most Dangerous Drug in the World?
The opioid fentanyl is so dangerous is never should have been approved. And the death toll is climbing by the day.
Heartburn Meds Wrecking Your Brain?!?
Big Pharma is in a campaign of denial about proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). But the evidence is clear – they do permanent harm to your brain.
Make Your Body Flu-Proof! No Shots Required
Flu season is coming – and that means Big Pharma will be pushing it’s useless vaccines. Here’s how to beat the flu without rolling up your sleeve.
Dr. Scott’s Plan for REVERSING Diabetes
Drug companies have been pushing risky diabetes meds for years – and the disease hasn’t slowed down one bit. Here’s how to start naturally reversing diabetes before it’s too late.
Popular Sweetener Causing CANCER?!?
For years we’ve been told that artificial sweeteners like Splenda are healthier alternatives. But a shocking new study has just linked this sweetener to leukemia.
CRAZY FDA Plot Targeting Seniors!
The FDA is actually considering a new rule that would stop drug companies from warning you about side effects. Who’s side is our government on anyway?
The Secret to NEVER Getting Alzheimer’s
For years we’ve been told that getting Alzheimer’s is a matter of bad luck… or bad genes. But a new study shows you may be able to stop dementia from ever taking hold.