How to Combine Alcohol and Exercise
We examine studies measuring alcohol and its effect on recovery from exercise…and whether or not you should partake.
Chuck Norris (Sort of) Lays the Smackdown on N.Y. Attorney General
The New York attorney general supplement saga continues, and this time a famous martial artist has entered the fray.
High Fructose Corn Syrup Apologist or Shill?
Living Well publishes details on a high fructose corn syrup study which has been ignored by the mainstream media
Broccoli Deep-Fried in Chocolate Sauce
Living Well reveals the neat trick to make virtually any vegetable taste good, using two “forbidden” ingredients and a lesson from Seinfeld
The Top 3 Herbs to Help Prevent Colds, Flu, Food Poisoning, and More
Have a cold or flu? Get sick with food poisoning? Before you resort to antibiotics, You MUST read this.
EMF Waves: Tinfoil Hat Paranoia or Serious Health Threat?
Living Well tackles the controversial issue of EMF wave safety, and whether our increasing levels of exposure are causing us more harm
We Asked, You Answered: The GMO Debate Continues...
Living Well publishes reader feedback on the proposed GMO labeling law. One opinion wins by a landslide…
More Magnesium -- Are Any Other Forms a Good Choice?
We hit a rich vein when we wrote about magnesium last week. Readers weighed in and demanded answers... so we’re back to make this whole magnesium thing a little less murky.
The Proposed GMO Labeling Law: Good or Bad?
Living Well covers the latest update in GMO labelling laws, and how a newly proposed law called the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act might not be as great as it sounds.
New Breakthrough for Immediate Energy
Living Well gets the inside scoop on a new product for instant energy, calmness, and focus. In fact, one of our editors takes it for a personal test-drive.