Cracking the Vitamin D Dosage Code

When it comes vitamin D, I might be accused of sounding like a broken record. (Well, by those old enough to understand the reference, anyway.) But I’ll risk that reputation, because it really IS a vital vitamin. After all, vitamin D is essential for MANY health-related functions, including… Maintaining strong bones by promoting calcium absorption...

MILLIONS on Statins Who Shouldn’t Be

Looks like the statin-pushers have finally run out of excuses to peddle their pills to everyone with a pulse. Of course, I’ve already been banging this drum for years. Statins are NOT the miracle cure Big Pharma wants you to believe. Instead, they come with a laundry list of side effects that can make your...

Six Simple Hacks to BEAT Morning Congestion

As we celebrate America’s independence today, we honor the enduring spirit of freedom that has defined our nation for generations. May this Fourth of July remind us of the blessings of liberty and the strength of our united country. A frustrated patient recently asked me why she wakes up feeling congested so often. Unfortunately, opening...

Alzheimer's: Targeting the Brain's "Forgotten" Cells

Imagine watching the person you love most slowly slip away, piece by piece. They forget your name, face, and the lifetime of memories you’ve shared. They become a shell of their former selves, lost in a fog of confusion and fear. This is the heartbreaking reality for millions of families touched by Alzheimer’s. It’s a...

Mailbag: Everyday Activities Leaving You Winded? Try THIS

“I find myself getting winded more easily these days, even when doing simple tasks like walking up a flight of stairs. Should I be concerned? How can I resolve this?” – Harold It’s definitely worth paying attention to changes in your body, especially when you feel more winded than usual. While it’s not always a...

Nature’s “Clean-Up Crew” DODGES Dementia

Scientists may have stumbled upon a surprising ally in the battle against Alzheimer’s. Recent research has shed light on a potent substance that could hold the key to preserving brain function and staving off the devastating effects of this neurodegenerative disorder. Even better, this powerful Alzheimer’s “fix” is found in some delicious, easy-to-find foods. The...

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Loading Up on These Foods Sends Death Risk Rising

You’ve probably heard the buzz about ultra-processed foods being bad for your health. In fact, if you’re a regular Living Well Daily Reader, you may recall that last week I warned you about the link between this junk and dementia. (If you missed that issue, CLICK HERE to catch up.) Well, guess what? Those ultra-processed-food...

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D Deficiency SOARS Despite Wide Availability

When you hear it, it seems odd at first. Unlikely even. After all, we’ve learned so much about vitamin D in the last few years. And widespread reporting on how vital it is for good health and how common it is to run low should mean the problem was corrected long ago, right? Well, it...

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Hot Nights Linked to THIS Deadly Risk

We’re experiencing a record-breaking heatwave. Temperatures are soaring dangerously high in some regions of the country and simmering uncomfortably in others. It’s not just here in the USA, either. Other parts of the world are also battling boiling temperatures. Most people know that they need to take precautions during the day when temperatures rise this...

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The TRUTH About “Natural” Sugars

You’ve probably heard the buzz about swapping table sugar for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. It sounds like a healthier way to indulge your sweet tooth. But does making this switch REALLY make a difference? Let’s dive in and separate fact from fiction! On average Americans eat a jaw-dropping 17 teaspoons of added...

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Dodge Eye Damaging Blue Light with THIS Duo

Don’t look now, but your eyes are under attack from blue light. From cellphones, tablets, computers, TVs, and LED lights—your peepers are constantly bombard with damaging blue light. See, blue light is shorter in length and higher in energy than other colors, so it deeply penetrates the retina and macula. And prolonged and concentrated exposure...

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Mailbag: Dizziness and Aging Demystified

“Lately I’ve been experiencing frequent dizzy spells and feel unsteady on my feet. Is it a normal part of aging?” -Robert Hi Robert, Whenever a patient, regardless of age, asks me about frequent dizziness or unsteadiness, my short answer is, “No, it’s NOT a normal part of aging.” Our bodies do go through changes as...

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Common Diet Mistake Sends Dementia Risk Soaring

Folks, it’s time to get real about the garbage we’re putting into our bodies. For far too long, we’ve turned a blind eye to the deplorable state of our food system, but now, the truth is finally coming to light. There has been a virtual explosion of news about the dangers of ultra-processed foods in...

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Sip Your way to Better Slumber

For centuries, people have turned to the soothing properties of the citrus-scented beebrush. And for good reason. This fragrant South American herb is known to calm minds and help folks drift off into a peaceful slumber. Now, a groundbreaking study has brought this ancient remedy back into the spotlight, providing scientific backup for what we’ve...

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Surprising Drug-Free Secret to Easing Back Pain

Back pain is serious business. But it’s seldom taken seriously. It can affect almost everything you do, interfering in daily activities, from walking to everyday chores like cooking and cleaning. The pain can range from a dull ache to debilitating muscle spasms. At its worst, it can even be hard to get out of bed....

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Surprising Combination Transforms Mind and Body

The secret to unlocking a healthier, happier version of you has just been revealed—and it’s not what you might expect! Recent research uncovered a powerful combination that can transform your mind and body, regardless of age or fitness level. But here’s the catch: it’s not found in a pricey pill, a fancy gym, or an...

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Prediabetes? Do THIS to Avoid Diabetes

Prediabetes is a condition where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. It means your body struggles to process sugar (glucose) properly. The condition is more common than you might think. In fact, more than one in three American adults have it. But...

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Easy Diet Trick SLASHES Stress and Anxiety

Do you know what we could all use MORE of in our lives? LESS anxiety and stress! You’d think that our stress levels would drop as we age. After all, we’ve already done all the hard stuff (and lived to tell the tales)! Well, it turns out that nothing could be further from the truth....

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Mailbag: Triggers for Troubling Bathroom Changes

“I’ve noticed some changes in my bathroom habits, including constipation and occasional incontinence. Could these be signs of something serious?” – Walter Hi Walter, Digestion complaints such as constipation and occasional incontinence can be uncomfortable and concerning, but they don’t always indicate a major problem. While both occurring at the same time could be a...

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Potent Pair “Erases” IBS Symptoms

Are you sick and tired of the endless discomfort and embarrassment that comes from living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? Well, you’re in good company. In fact, more than 25 million folks in the United States ALONE battle the diarrhea, constipation, and gastrointestinal stress of this frustrating condition. But now, new research has uncovered a...

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