Artificial Light HARMS Your Health [SHOCKING!]
Nature almost always gets it right. But when humans try to follow in its footsteps…well, let’s just say we OFTEN fail miserably. A glaring example is how we try to mimic daylight in our homes. Artificial lights just don’t cut it to support our health. And now a new study reveals one MORE critical reason...

New Nut Research SILENCES Critics
Nutcrackers and the holidays go together like horses and carriages. And yet the tasty snacks those colorful wooden soldiers were created to open are regularly vilified for their fat content. The truth is, these tasty tidbits are brimming with health-BOOSTING benefits. In fact, new research reveals this HIGH-FAT food has one benefit that’s bound to...

“Nose Training” Trick Supercharges Your Memory
It happens in an instant. You smell fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies, and a memory of baking with your mother in your childhood home is triggered. Our sense of smell and our memory are closely intertwined. In fact, the scents that surround us play a role in how our brains encode and store memories. And it...

3 Thanksgiving Dinner Myths REVEALED (Surprising!)
We can all agree that the best part of Thanksgiving is the MEAL itself. But the next best part has to be all the tall TALES told around the dinner table as everyone shares their favorite bits of family lore. Some of them are true. And some… well… let’s just say we ALL have an...

Mailbag: Should You Get a Vaccine Booster?
“Do I really need to get a new COVID shot? I already have the first one.” – Carol from Cape Coral, FL Dear Carol, You’re not alone. It can be difficult to decide whether or not to get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. So, let’s look at some things I advise patients to consider before getting a...
A WARNING for Night Owls
Do you thrive after dark and struggle to wake up early? If so, your late-night tendencies could put you at greater risk of developing diabetes. Emerging research shows that night owls—those who prefer staying up late and sleeping longer—have higher odds of metabolic disorders than early birds. But it’s NOT your fault. And you CAN...
The Not-So-Secret Fall SUPERFRUIT
There’s no denying it. Fall is HERE. The temperature has dropped, the leaves are falling, and the holidays are right around the corner. It’s the time of year when we take stock of our lives. And, in the not-so-distant past, we celebrated the bounty of our fields. But there’s one food harvested from those fields...
6 Superfoods for Your Thanksgiving Menu
If you’re like many folks, your Thanksgiving menu is practically set in stone. But, unfortunately, as delicious and time-honored as it is, America’s favorite meal is often FAR from healthy. So, why not try something different this year? Adding even a few fall superfoods to your Thanksgiving menu can TRANSFORM your favorite meal of the...
Your CLEAN Home Is Hiding a DIRTY Secret
They say cleanliness is next to Godliness. That means having a clean house is heavenly, right? Well, yes AND no. It turns out your sparkling clean home could be hiding a hazardous secret. It turns out your kitchen floor—that’s clean enough for you to eat off of—could also be increasing your cancer risk. Research revealed...
THIS Invisible Line Could SAVE Your Life
We’ve hit THAT time of year. As the sun sinks lower in the sky and winter approaches, I imagine a line drawn across the United States. It stretches across the 37th parallel, which is 37 degrees north on a map. Ignoring this line can harm your health. Here’s why… The invisible line across the USA...
Potent “Forbidden” Solution ERASES Pain [STUDY]
Feeling achy or sore? Maybe you overdid working in the garden. Or perhaps you battle chronic joint pain. Before you reach for a risky over-the-counter med, consider this potent natural alternative that’s been proven to deliver POWERFUL pain relief. But you might be shocked to hear WHAT this “forbidden” pain reliever is… A growing number...
Mailbag: The TRUTH About RSV In Adults
“Should I be worried about RSV? Doesn’t it only affect babies?” – Gemma from Davenport, IA Hi Gemma,RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) can affect people of ANY age. We hear about it affecting children more than adults because the virus is more common and serious in babies and young children. When a kid younger than a year...
“Fall Proof” Yourself in 4 Easy Steps
As we age a simple slip or stumble can turn serious fast. Falls are the leading cause of injury for adults over 65. They often result in broken bones, disability, and even death (yes, DEATH… more on that in a moment). But you can SLASH your fall risk with a few simple steps. Many folks...
Plastic Posing ALARMING New Threat
Concerns are growing over microplastics. Some of these tiny particles are created to be small, like glitter, the microbeads used in cosmetic products, and the tiny fibers used to make fabrics (like fleece). Others are made when larger pieces of plastic break down into smaller pieces. And it turns out microplastics aren’t just polluting our...
Fatty Snack Solution to a TRIMMER Waist
They say with age comes wisdom. And I agree. However, a thickening waistline and new heart concerns often show up too. If that sounds familiar, forget the latest fad diet or crazy exercise routine. One of the simplest ways to manage your waistline and support your heart health could ALREADY be sitting in your pantry....
"Crystal Ball" Method Outsmarts Heart Attacks
Each year, around 450,000 Americans die from a heart attack. In fact, heart attacks are often called “the silent killer” because they can seemingly strike out of the blue. But what if there was a way to know ahead of time that a heart attack was looming? A sort of heart attack early warning system?...
Surprising Fitness Tracker Benefit REVEALED
I get a fair amount of ribbing from my friends for wearing a smartwatch that tracks my fitness. They prefer something more stylish that just tells them the time. Many good reasons to use wearable technology—like a fitness tracker or smartwatch—already exist. I’m not the craziest health nut you’ve ever met, but I do like...
Down A Daily Mug of Diabetes Prevention
Long-time readers will know that I LOVE my coffee. But, by no means am I a tea hater. Coffee is indeed my go-to morning brew. But tea is my afternoon break beverage of choice. Sipping a hot cuppa is a comforting ritual for tea lovers like me. However, emerging research reveals that one particular kind...
Mailbag: Physical Activity After Heart Attack [FIX the Fear!]
“My wife just had a heart attack a month ago and is living in fear. I feel like I can’t get her to do anything. She’s constantly afraid of having a second one. Should she be afraid? Is it safe to resume normal activities after a heart attack?” -Roland from Palm Springs, CA Hi Roland,...
Fiery Spice DOUSES the Flames of Autoimmune Disease
For as long as humans have written words, they’ve written about ginger. The fiery and invigorating spice has been a culinary and medicinal staple in countless cultures for thousands of years. However, recent research reveals this knobby brown root could ALSO be a godsend for anyone battling an autoimmune disease… Autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis,...