Mailbag! Poor Sleep? Try a Circadian Rhythm REBOOT

“Ever since I moved into my new place, I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I noticed that the lights in the apartment and the parking lot are very bright white. Could that be causing my sleep issues?” –Ted from Medina, Ohio Hi Ted, You could be onto something. The color (and intensity) of the light you’re...

COFFEE Keeps Cholesterol in Check?!

Few things please me more than proving that being healthy doesn’t have to be a downer. Take coffee, for example. The nutrition police would have you believe it’s GOT to be bad for you BECAUSE you love it. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, I’ve been on a personal mission for...

Eat MORE Microbiome Fuel (TOP 10 Sources)

The microorganisms (mostly bacteria) that call your gut home are collectively called the microbiome. If you’re a regular Living Well Daily reader, you ALREADY know they’re a BIG deal. After all, they support your overall health and well-being from head to toe. And that includes your digestive, immune, heart, and brain health. Most people reach for probiotics to support a...

Laughing grandparents with grandchild on beach will live longer happy lives with healthy habits

Live 24 EXTRA Years with THESE 8 Habits?!

Do you have an idea how long you think you’re going to live? The average American life expectancy is around 76. (It’s a little longer if you’re a woman.) But what if I could grant you 18 EXTRA years beyond the number in your head? Well, I can practically guarantee you those extra years. And...

Diabetic? Don't Miss THIS Protein Discovery!

Protein is ESSENTIAL for good health. Yet far too many folks fall short… especially seniors. Protein plays so many VITAL roles that it would literally take an entire book to cover them all. To start with, if you want a steel-trap brain, strong muscles and bones, an ironclad immune system, and healthy hair, skin, and...

WHY Perfectionism Backfires (Try THIS Instead)

I’ve seen a LOT of patients lately who are stressed out by their own perfectionism. They’ve trapped themselves in a prison of their own expectations. They’re convinced that they NEED eight full hours of sleep EVERY night. They think they MUST have a bowel movement promptly at 8 a.m. EVERY morning. And the world will...

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Slash Cancer Risk 20%... By Doing LAUNDRY?!

You KNOW exercise is good for you. Studies confirm doing it regularly cuts the risk of heart disease, depression, osteoporosis, and nearly any other disease you can name that plagues us as we age. But let’s be realistic, not everyone is a gym rat or a marathon runner. Heck, for some folks, even the THOUGHT...

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Mailbag! The FIX for Female Hair Loss?

“Is there anything I can do to stop hair loss?” Joann from Bluffton, SC Women lose their hair FAR more often than people think. Even though hair loss is more common in men, it can ALSO happen to women at any age. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology says that by age 40, around...

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Surprising Brain Shrink Trigger (and the FIX!)

Here’s what no one tells you about your brain as you age… You need to WORK to keep it the same size. It might surprise you that many people’s brains SHRINK quite a bit as they get older. But notice I said MANY! Because you don’t have to be one of those folks whose brain...

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Bacteria Linked to CLOGGED Arteries?

An unseen bacterial battle is raging somewhere in a dark corner of your body. This fight’s winner will have the power to silently WRECK or PROTECT your heart. But the top tools you can use to WIN the battle and SHIELD your ticker will likely surprise you. Because they don’t appear to have a thing...

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Common Nutrient DEFEATS Aging!?

The funny thing about aging is it tends to sneak up on you. You don’t feel middle-aged or like a senior, but one day you wake up, and the calendar insists you are. Most of us would like to live LONGER. To spend a little more time with those we care about doing the things...

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Do you remember when variety at the grocery store wasn’t a thing? Well, at least not for MOST of us. If you wanted coffee and toast for breakfast, it was typically Folgers and Wonder Bread or nothing. But now, even local grocery stores are brimming with options. And it’s not just coffee and bread either....

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"Sneaky Exercise" is the Workout You’ve ALWAYS Wanted

Most folks have an emotional reaction to the word exercise. Unfortunately, that emotion is often LOATHING… accompanied by visions of sweat and pain. But it doesn’t HAVE to be that way. Because as unlikely as it sounds, I have a hack that can change how you feel about “working out.” And THAT could change EVERYTHING…...

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"SKIP" Atrial Fibrillation with 3 Heart Hacks

Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can be as uncomfortable as it is dangerous. Feeling those heart palpitations or flutters in your heart is downright nerve-wracking, to begin with. But then, knowing that you could suffer a sudden, deadly blood clot can send your anxiety right through the roof. The mainstream approach to treating the disease is either...

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Mailbag: Harness the HEALING Power of Vacation

“Do you have a favorite vacation spot?” – Hannah from Milwaukee, WI Hi Hannah, I’m glad you asked this because taking a trip can improve your health and well-being in many ways. A vacation does WONDERS for your mental health. It gives you a break from your daily routine so you can rest and unwind....

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"South of the Border" Plant STABILIZES Blood Sugar?!

When you’re diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the goal is to stabilize your blood sugar. Because if left unchecked, over time, high glucose levels can damage organs, nerves, and blood vessels. There are two main stabilizing methods that your doc is likely to recommend: Insulin and blood-sugar-lowering drugs. Each comes with potential pitfalls. But new...

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QUIT Calorie Counting... Here's What REALLY Works

Ever tried counting calories to lose weight? If so, I can practically GUARANTEE it hasn’t worked out for you. (Or it won’t in the long term.) There are a couple of reasons why this method inevitably fails. First of all, it’s more complex than it sounds. Calorie counting is labor-intensive and far from straightforward. And...

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DODGE a Heart Attack... with a DRUGSTORE Solution?!

Walk into any mainstream doctor’s office worrying about your heart health, and you’ll likely walk back out with a handful of pills to take. That wouldn’t be a problem IF the pills weren’t plagued with side effects and actually worked as advertised. But they fall short on BOTH fronts. For example, one of the drugs...

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Better Blood Sugar Starts in the BEDROOM

If you were to ask your doctor how to manage your blood sugar without using drugs, I’m guessing they’d offer one or two respectable ideas. Ask an alternative or integrative medicine professional the same question, and you’d probably get a far LONGER list of good options. In fact, I’ve shared more than a few drug-free...

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Surprising Cause of SUDDEN Confusion

I have a good friend who is in his mid-sixties. Recently he experienced a terrifying bout of confusion. He spent a few days in a fog and couldn’t drive a car or go to work. Naturally, he and his loved ones feared the worst. Everyone wondered if the confusion was a sudden sign of dementia....

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