[WARNING] Mainstream Aspirin Lies REVEALED

One of the biggest mainstream medical myths is the belief that using aspirin can improve your health.    And I’m willing to bet, if you’re anywhere over the age of 40, your doctor has probably suggested taking a low-dose aspirin for your heart and your brain.   Now, we’ve talked about aspirin not helping your heart many times (if...

Weird Fungus STOPS Prostate Cancer

If you’ve had cancer or seen a loved one go through it, you know that it’s one of the toughest battles you’ll ever fight. It makes the Battle of the Bulge look like a birthday party.  And that’s why it’s absolutely essential that you lower your cancer risk as much as you can.  Because the last thing...

Prevent Nasty Colds and the Flu with These 6 Easy Tips!

When it comes to fighting a cold or flu, the mainstream gets it wrong every time.  Conventional docs push useless shots, dangerous nasal sprays, and cough medicines that don’t work.  But you don’t have to be a sitting duck every time you get a cold or flu.    Here’s my easy 6-step system that will make the sniffles disappear FAST.   Just because mainstream...

Surefire Shortcut Makes You Sleep Like a Baby

One of the most important things you can do for your health and longevity is get a good night’s sleep.  Sleep has short-term effects on your brain function (try doing math after a crummy night’s sleep!)   But it also has long-term effects… for example, those who have Alzheimer’s are more likely to be poor sleepers.     But bad sleep affects...

DANGEROUS Mainstream Advice DESTROYS Memory!

If you’re like most seniors I treat, you’ll do just about anything to be healthy and happy.   And that’s why so many of my patients go to extremes to be at their peak, especially when it comes to preserving their memory and living long, fruitful lives.  They never stop exercising… watch everything they eat… and always keep up...

[ALERT] Is Coffee Your WORST Enemy!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, What’s the first thing you do in the morning? A good friend of mine claims she needs to drink coffee before her feet hit the floor. I jokingly asked her if she sleeps with her coffee maker and she said, “yes… it’s more reliable than a husband!”. But once I...

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Mailbag! DROP the Arthritis Meds and Try This Instead

I’m battling with osteoarthritis in my hips. Could you recommend some exercises or supplements to help with pain and mobility? –Wendell from Lexington, KY ***** This is a great question because you hit on the two BEST ways to help reduce arthritis pain: exercise and supplements. Wendell, you’re not alone. Statistics show that one in...

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Natural Virus Barrier DISCOVERED (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If this last year (and some change) has taught us anything, it’s that we should all be much more aware of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in our environment. Our world is more connected than it’s ever been, and nasty bugs can travel fast. But now scientists are finding new recruits...

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English Secret DROPS Alzheimer’s Risk by Half!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Ah, Merry Olde England! Home of Shakespeare… pubs… hilarious comedies… and the Queen. And now, it could also hold the secret to preventing Alzheimer’s disease. In an exciting study, researchers have discovered that this English secret could DROP your Alzheimer’s risk by almost half! It just starts in an unlikely...

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[ALERT] Dangerous Breakfast Myth BUSTED!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’ve heard this all our lives… and a lot of us were raised on a heaping breakfast of sausage, eggs, toast, milk, orange juice, AND coffee. And now, according to a new study from the College of Medicine at The Ohio...

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[DISCOVERED] “Z” Solution SINKS Blood Pressure!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Some of the most amazing things we have in our modern world were found by accident. The ideas for penicillin, microwave ovens, x-rays, Velcro, Teflon, and even sticky-notes all came about because the inventors were looking for answers to another solution. And now there’s another amazing discovery to add to...

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Forget “Bad” Cholesterol! Get THIS Checked Instead

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re a longtime reader, you know I’m not a big fan of worrying about your cholesterol levels. For the most part, the importance of cholesterol levels is overblown and used so drug companies can profit from their statin drugs – which have tons of side effects and do NOTHING...

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[CAUTION] This Drug Could Give You Alzheimer’s!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, A lot of times, mainstream medicine can feel like “Do as I say, not as I do.” Maybe you’ve been told to lose weight by the doctor who could lose a few pounds himself… or told to give up smoking by the guy with the smoker’s cough. That’s why I...

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Mailbag! Do You Need an Air Purifier? (A Must-read!)

What’s your opinion on home air purifiers? Are they worth the price tag? –Annie from Gary, IN **** Annie, Buying an expensive air purifier can seem like a gamble—I don’t blame you for asking about them! If you’re like most people, you spend 90 percent of your day indoors. And study after study has shown...

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[MEN] Triumph Over the “Senior Slump” in 1 Step!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You hear a lot of talk about your “golden years,” but not enough folks are talking about the “senior slump.” This affects men specifically… and I’m betting it’s happened to you. You feel like you’re lacking in the bedroom… not pleasing your wife like you used to … or just...

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BOOST Your Mood with This Food Swap (Easy!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Feeling a little blue? You’re not alone. Over two million seniors are battling depression… and the numbers aren’t slowing. But the answer isn’t what the mainstream wants you to think. Because while fixing depression is possible, taking a pill is NOT the way to do it. Instead, try this easy...

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This Prescription DOUBLES Your Dementia Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If health is wealth, as they like to say, your brain is worth its weight in gold… which means you should do everything you can to protect it. As you age, however, that gets more and more difficult. And Big Pharma certainly isn’t doing you any favors. One of their...

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THIS Disease Kills Diabetics 3x FASTER [Warning!]

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When it comes to living a happy, LONG life, there’s one disease you want to avoid entirely… Diabetes. Maintaining a healthy blood sugar is key to making sure you’re here for the long run. But now researchers have discovered that there’s one disease that can kill you even faster if...

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Seafood Miracle DISSOLVES Tumors!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you or a loved one is currently fighting cancer, I have some good news. There’s something most people don’t know about cancer cells: they’re incredibly weak. You see, they can’t do many of the things that healthy cells do. They have a difficult time creating energy, they don’t like...

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“MYBA Prescription” Could SAVE Your Life!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, My patient Mary had an assortment of health concerns that brought her in to see me. She was worried about her high blood pressure… cholesterol… and blood sugar. Plus, she was nervous and wasn’t sleeping well. I told Mary I had just the prescription she needed. I wrote down MYBA...

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