“Mediterranean Flower” BOOSTS Your Heart and Brain?!

Dear Reader,  One of the fundamental problems with mainstream medicine is how compartmentalized it has become.  You have a doctor for your heart… you have another doctor for your brain… you have a doctor for your big left toe…  The sad result is that mainstream medicine rarely pulls itself backwards to see that everything’s connected.    And a recent study shows just how harmful this medical model is.  Because by not seeing the whole picture… you miss...

Never IGNORE Your Blood Pressure (Here’s Why)

Dear Reader,  When I told Tom his blood pressure was dangerously high, he was quick with his reply:   “I don’t believe that high blood pressure mumbo jumbo… I feel FINE.”  After all, Tom came to see me because he thought I didn’t believe in that mumbo jumbo either.   There’s a part of me that doesn’t. Drug companies make BILLIONS off of BP meds.   That’s...

Household Drugs CAUSING Dementia?

Dear Reader,  When you have a health problem, your first step is probably to either go to your doctor or your local pharmacy.  Chances are, both will land you with some kind of mainstream drug. The problem is, many of these drugs are loaded with side effects. So even if they “help” treat your existing problem… ...

COVID-19: A Side Effect That Could Turn Deadly

Dear Reader,  By now, I’m sure you’re well aware of the conventional signs of COVID-19.    You’ve probably heard them enough times that you want to bang your head against a wall.  But the catch is this: this virus affects everybody differently – even people with a mild case.   And unfortunately, a lot of people will get the infection.  If you or a loved one ever...

“Invisible Condition” CAUSES Alzheimer’s and Diabetes?!

Dear Reader,  Mainstream medicine treats heart issues, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer each as separate, different diseases.  That makes sense…   Or does it?   See, when you look down at the root cause of all those diseases, you find one culprit: poor blood sugar control.   Even worse, up to a THIRD of those of you who are reading this may have problems controlling their blood sugar AND not even know it!  And it all...

“Light Trick” PREVENTS Vision Loss

Dear Reader,  Let’s be honest, losing your eyesight isn’t just an inconvenience… sure, it can mean having trouble reading signs and labels, focusing on small details… but it can even cost you your ability to drive.  In short – it’s like waving goodbye to your independence.   Losing your vision is downright heartbreaking. Even worse? If you go to your mainstream...

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Depression SOLUTION Hiding in Your Gut?!

Dear Reader,  If you’ve suffered with depression (or have watched someone you love fight it), you know how miserable it can make your life.     At times, feeling sad can make things like seeing your family… going to the grocery store… and even getting out of bed seem impossible. Your motivation for just about anything has been zapped out of you.   And one of...

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The Summer Danger That’s TORCHING Your Health

Dear Reader,  I’m a big fan of the sun when it comes to improving your health.   While most health officials will tell you to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen, I think a good healthy dose of sun goes a long way to keeping you healthy.    Not only does the sun make Vitamin D when it hits our skin, it also produces nitric oxide – which sends LOWERS our blood pressure.    But just...

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Are You on the Heart Attack FAST TRACK?

Dear Reader,  About half of those who suffer a heart attack didn’t even know they had heart problems to begin with!  And a heart attack is definitely NOT the way you want to find out your ticker isn’t in tip-top shape….   Now, if you’ve been following me for a while, chances are you’ve learned a few natural, healthy tricks to give your heart the...

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“Clock Trick” LOWERS Your Blood Sugar?

Dear Reader,  If you listen to the mainstream media, they’ll have you believing that the ONLY way to lower your blood sugar and burn more fat is to take their dangerous drugs and exercise till you drop.  But there’s a better, safer and MORE effective way.  In fact, I have an easy solution for you. It’ll help you lower your blood sugar AND burn fat at the same time!   The...

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How Hot Temps Could INCREASE the Infection?

Dear Reader,  For years, one of the main worries for architects and building managers is whether a building is warm or cool enough to make the people using said buildings comfortable.  But today that could very well pan out to be an ENOROMOUS problem for anyone who steps inside those buildings.  It is time to take indoor air quality seriously – especially in the...

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Bone-Boosting Nutrient REDUCES Fractures! 

Dear Reader,  You could probably drink milk all day long and still suffer from weak bones.  That’s because the hard fact is, no animal on Earth consumes AS MUCH calcium as humans do, but yet we still have some of the weakest bones on the planet.  Why?  Well, according to new research, the REAL cause of bone loss has NOTHING to do with...

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[REVEALED] The CULPRIT Behind “High Cholesterol”

Dear Reader,  For decades, mainstream medicine has been playing the same old cholesterol con.   They’ve promised you that taking risky cholesterol lowering drugs (statins) and eating a heart-damaging low-fat diet will keep your cholesterol low…  AND make you almost immune to heart attack or stroke.    What’s worse, Big Pharma and Big Food have backed these recommendations with a bunch of bogus studies.   But you deserve...

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What You HAVEN’T Been Told About Steroids [WARNING!]

Dear Reader,  If you have asthma, arthritis, Crohn’s disease, a rash or just an infection – your mainstream doc is going to suggest you take steroids.   And I’m willing to bet you already know what a HORRIBLE idea that is.   So instead of taking them willingly, you go in and express your concerns about steroids.  And he’ll give...

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HIDDEN Alzheimer’s Symptom?! [BREAKING]

Dear Reader,  I’m sure you can picture what the typical Alzheimer’s patient looks like?   This is someone who can’t remember how to get back home. They’ve forgotten the name of a close family member, they frequently misplace things and sometimes – more often than not – they just can’t seem to find the right words.   And while, yes, this is what the vast majority if Alzheimer’s...

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Woman's Eyes

Sight-Saving Supplement STOPS Diabetic Blindness

If you’re diabetic, you probably know that you are at much greater risk for losing your eyesight.  Not staying in control of your blood sugar can DAMAGE the sensitive tissues in your eyes, causing your vision to fail as you age.  Now, you probably are already taking measures to help control your blood sugar. That may look like keeping a close eye on your diet, your...

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Red Meat

Why You NEVER Want to Skip Red Meat

When it comes to dietary advice, the mainstream has no shortage of dangerous suggestions.   They push diabetes-causing artificial sweeteners… heart-ruining low-fat diets… and tell you to avoid some of the healthiest foods on the planet.   But that ends today.   Because according to some new research, red meat – one of the mainstream’s biggest dietary villains – is COMPLETELY SAFE… and...

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“Forgotten” Vitamin Reduces Risk of DEATH by 20%!

Dear Reader,  There are many reasons you might follow me and my daily articles. I’m willing to bet one reason is because you want to take care of yourself and live your BEST life.   And believe me, I want to help you do just that.  Maybe you already exercise (when you can) and you do your best to eat well...

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Small but MIGHTY Superfood SLASHES Joint Pain!

Dear Reader,  Nothing is more debilitating than joint pain.  If you suffer with joint pain, then you know all too well that it’s a HORRIBLE downward health spiral.  And probably the worst effect is — the more pain you feel in your joints, the less you’re going to move. And the less you move, the MORE pain you’re going to have whenever you...

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Deadly Duo TRIPLES Your Mortality Risk!

Dear Reader,  You know that diabetes is bad for your health…  And you also know that heart disease isn’t any better…  But when you combine those two things, it gets worse!  And unfortunately, new research has uncovered some frightening information about this deadly duo…   A new study, published in the journal Circulation, found that those with heart disease AND diabeteshad a HIGHER risk of death within the next five years.   The study team found that having heart failure increased the five-year mortality...

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