gut health

Make Your Body Flu-Proof! No Shots Required

Flu season is coming – and that means Big Pharma will be pushing it’s useless vaccines. Here’s how to beat the flu without rolling up your sleeve.

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Dr. Scott’s Trick for Stopping Parkinson’s

For years the mainstream has struck out treating Parkinson’s disease. But stopping it is easier than you think… and starts in a very surprising place.

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REVERSE Heart Disease for 10 Cents a Day

It’s no secret that fiber is good for you. It’s key to keeping your blood sugar balanced, your bowels healthy and your waist trim. But there’s one more reason you should be eating a certain type of fiber — it can help you REVERSE heart disease for just a dime a day.

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Tasty Trick for Depression and Anxiety

A groundbreaking discovery from the University of Virginia reveals how a simple food can help you fight anxiety and depression. Read on to discover what it is and how it works.

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Make This Ancient Hawaiian Gut Healthy Food at Home

This ancient Hawaiian ferment is an easy way to add probiotics into your diet.

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Gut Feeling: Can you change your brain by changing your gut?

Can you change your brain by changing your gut?

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