AVOID Hospital Stays with this NATURE Hack?!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re like most folks, you will do just about ANYTHING to avoid a trip to the hospital. But if you’re battling a neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, that’s easier said than done. Each year nearly a third of Americans living with Parkinson’s will end up in the hospital....

At-Home Test Predicts Your Longevity?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, These days it’s common to have a blood pressure cuff at home. They’re a great way to monitor your health and can help track the effects of your supplement and exercise routines. But another simple tool can provide even GREATER insights into your health. And most folks have never heard...

Diabetes Trigger HIDDEN in Popular Foods
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s no surprise that what you eat affects your health. And you don’t need ME to explain that a steady diet of junk foods, like candy bars or potato chips, can raise your risks for various illnesses. But researchers recently uncovered something downright disturbing about foods that countless folks eat...

NATURALLY Wipe Out Arthritis Aches and Pains
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Joint pain puts a damper on everything from the moment you open your eyes in the morning until you close them again at night. On a “good day,” arthritis might have you limping along, feeling achy and grumpy. But on a “bad” one, it can literally keep you from doing...

"Road Test" PREDICTS Dementia YEARS in Advance?!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, One of the most frustrating aspects of Alzheimer’s is that it can fly under the radar for YEARS before any obvious signs send you to the doctor. And that delays interventions that could help slow the progression of this devastating disease. By the time you’re diagnosed, it’s often too late...
Mailbag! Burning and Numbness in Hands and Feet? Try THIS
I suffer from peripheral neuropathy, and I know there aren’t any cures out there, but I was wondering if you had any tips or tricks for dealing with it? –Richard from Dallas, TX Richard, You’re in good company. Around 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy (PN). PN can cause anything from an annoying tingling...
"Carrot Cure" Builds Muscles of STEEL
There’s a lot of maintenance involved with “aging gracefully.” If you’re not careful, time can take a toll on your eyesight, hearing, and even your dental health. And with each passing year, you must guard your heart, brain, and joints against damage. But most of us overlook one CRITICAL aspect of healthy aging. And that’s...
The "FAST" Way to A Slimmer and Healthier YOU
There’s something so exciting about the first day of the year. Everything feels fresh and new. And the possibilities are endless! It’s that feeling that makes New Year’s Resolutions so popular. I’m not a fan of making a long list of impossible tasks to accomplish before the end of the year. That’s a setup for...
The BENEFITS of Ringing in New Year's with a Drink?!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, As you get ready to ring in the New Year tonight, you might feel conflicted about whether to indulge in some alcohol this evening. On the one hand, it’s a time-honored tradition to toast the New Year with a glass of wine or champagne as the clock strikes midnight. But...
"Easy as Pie" Method EASES Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and psoriasis always remind me of an old biblical saying: “Every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” Because when you have one of these conditions, your body is essentially attacking itself. For reasons we don’t entirely understand yet, when you develop an autoimmune disease, your body’s...
The Flu: What REALLY Happens
The flu came in like a wrecking ball this year. Recently, it seemed like nearly EVERYONE was sick. Cases are still surging in many places. And to be perfectly clear, the flu is never “just the flu.” This virus is serious business. In fact, it’s often a killer. Up to 50,000 people die yearly from...
MAILBAG: A STRONG Case for Multivitamins
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “Is a multivitamin the best vitamin to take to support overall health?” – Beth, Tampa, Florida Hi Beth, The short answer is, “YES!” But let’s look at why that’s the case. When asked, most folks will swear that they eat a healthy diet. But research reveals the truth. Around 80...
SUPERCHARGE Your Immune System and SKIP the Antibiotics
I hope your Christmas was every bit as joyous as mine. We had a wonderful day. But I know some folks have difficulty enjoying this time – especially with COVID, the flu, and other illnesses circling around. If you or loved ones have started with a cough or a sniffle you might be tempted to...
Christmas Treat BEATS Blood Pressure Meds
Merry Christmas! I hope you’re already enjoying the day with family and friends and a delicious holiday spread. My advice? Go ahead and put your feet up and relax. You deserve it! Because although Christmas is a joyous occasion, getting ready for the big day is stressful. And stress-related hormones are linked to high blood...
Bedroom Habit Sends You to An Early GRAVE
As a kid, I’d get so excited in the days leading up to Christmas that it was IMPOSSIBLE to sleep. And on Christmas Eve? FORGET about it! I tossed and turned and snuck looks at my comic books under the covers (praying my parents… and Santa… didn’t catch me being naughty). But back then, the...
H2O WARNING: Before Your Next Sip, Read THIS!
Hoodwinked. Duped. Conned. No matter what you call it, the bottled water industry has pulled a fast one. They’ve convinced us their products are pure, safe, and (most of all) NECESSARY. But the reality is NONE of those things are true. Because despite the fresh, colorful labels on their bottles… and claims that their contents...
Sip on THIS Drink to DISSOLVE Dementia
I’m on a personal mission to keep YOU from getting Alzheimer’s. Why? Because I’ve seen FAR too many people arrive at their golden years without their mind, memory, or independence. Their brains are clogged up with neurofibrillary tangles called tau tangles or plaques. But that doesn’t have to be YOUR fate. Because there’s a simple...
MAILBAG: Are Potatoes "OFF LIMITS"? (Surprising!)
“What’s the deal with carbs and starches? Are they really that bad? Potatoes are from nature, yet there are people telling me to ditch my potatoes because they’re not healthy. It’s very confusing.” – Paul, from Clifton, New Jersey Hi Paul, You hit the nail on the head. There’s no doubt that keeping your blood...
“Window” Trick BEATS Diabetes
The list of “musts” is a mile long when you’re diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. You MUST take these meds. You MUST give up those foods. You MUST do this kind of exercise. You MUST monitor your blood sugar. It’s downright overwhelming, not to mention disheartening. But what if it DIDN’T have to be that...
Feeling Like A Scrooge? THIS Can Help
While everyone is running around, making the season merry and bright, you feel more like crawling back under the covers. Gift shopping, trimming the tree, and holiday parties don’t bring you joy. In fact, they send your anxiety soaring. And, if you’re being honest, all the smells, bells, and good cheer make you feel downright...