[WARNING] Post-Surgery Painkiller PROBLEM

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Do you know what the rest of the world DOESN’T do after minor or even moderate surgeries? They don’t dope patients up on heavy-duty opioids. But unfortunately, we can’t say the same here in America. And it’s no real mystery why. For years, drug reps distracted docs with lavish lunches...

The Most DANGEROUS Aisle in the Grocery Store

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Next time you stroll into your grocery store, stop and take a good look around. I’m betting one thing you won’t feel at that moment is fear. If you’re like most people, you’re comforted by the familiarity of the grocery store. You know that you’re about to fill up your...

MAILBAG! Dial Down Sinus Pressure and Pain Naturally

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “I am constantly getting sinus headaches. Tylenol doesn’t seem to help much. Do I have any other options?” –Alice from Independence, Missouri Hi Alice, I’ll start with a warning about taking too much Tylenol. Swallowing a daily dose of acetaminophen (the generic name for Tylenol) can harm your liver. So...

STOP Vision Damage with this Tasty Treat

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, We’re told we should just expect our vision to continue to get worse as we age. “It’s just a normal part of aging,” they tell us. And most of us believe it. At first, it’s just annoying. Fine print on menus? Forget about it. Threading a needle? Hand me that...

“Invisible” disease sends liver cancer risk soaring

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, With almost no symptoms in the beginning, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) could be stalking you right now without you having a clue. In fact, studies show that 25 percent of Americans already have the disease. And those numbers are on the rise. What’s so bad about having some fat...

Live LONGER and BETTER with This “Mindset Trick”

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Are you a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty person? Do you think things will be better or worse when you look to the future? Does every cloud have a silver lining? Or is doom hiding around every corner? These are simple questions that help define your mindset. But they do more than...

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Stop Killer Cancer Cells COLD with Plant Power

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Most folks are shocked to learn the world’s second most common type of cancer is lung cancer. Last year, 1.8 million people died from this devastating disease. Even though the number of people who smoke these days has dramatically decreased, a lot of folks still light up. Besides, smoking isn’t...

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The TRUTH About Vitamin D and Your Bones

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’ve watched the news lately, you may have noticed that vitamin D has been taking a lashing. First, some guy hoping to avoid COVID ended up in the hospital after taking 150,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily. That’s 250 times the recommended daily allowance. Needless to say,...

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MAILBAG! Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check Naturally

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, “What are some ways I can keep my blood pressure under control, naturally?” –Jeremy from Akron, Ohio Hi Jeremy, Let me start by saying that any changes to blood pressure medications should only be done with the help of your health care practitioner. Stopping blood pressure drugs suddenly can cause...

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Medicine Mistake Sends Colon Cancer Rising

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Goodbye, red meat. So along dessert. And alcohol? Forget about it! Conventional medicine doctors have a LOT to say about what you need to do to prevent colon cancer. Mainly it boils down to swearing off the stuff you love. But when it comes to warning you about something THEY...

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The Surprising Missing Link Behind Insomnia

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Is there anything more frustrating than insomnia? You climb into your bed, crawl under your cozy covers, and switch off the light ready to get a restful night’s sleep. But instead insomnia shows up to crash the party. Suddenly sleep is downright IMPOSSIBLE. If you battle insomnia you’ve probably already...

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How Diet Trends TRIGGER This Disease Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It happens to all of us. You hear about an exciting new diet, and you’re ALL IN! You follow the diet perfectly and lose some weight. But then you lose your motivation. Or something kicks you off your plan, like a vacation or family event. Suddenly you’re back to eating...

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Common Chemicals Cause High Blood Pressure?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, When I told my wife about a recent study I was reading, her response was, “A girl just can catch a break!” And she’s right. Women seem particularly vulnerable to the chemicals in our environment. We see this with chemicals that damage the thyroid (women are more susceptible), and we...

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Sipping Soda Could DESTROY This Organ

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s pretty clear that popping a top on a can of soda is the smoking of our age. Years ago, people smoked without any consideration for their health. And that’s because they just didn’t know any better. Nowadays you’d be hard-pressed to find somebody who thinks smoking is good for...

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MAILBAG! Limit THESE foods to reduce kidney stone risks

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’ve heard that kidney stones can be caused by high oxalate foods. Is this true? –Brenda from Wichita, KS Yes, this is true. Most kidney stones… around 75 percent… are a combination of calcium and oxalate (called: calcium oxalate stones). Stones form in your kidneys when the concentration of calcium...

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Better Gut Health with BEER?!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Unless you’ve been living under a rock these last few years, you‘ve probably heard of the microbiome. It’s that collection of mostly good bacteria in your gut. Only a few years ago, mentioning “the microbiome” got you weird looks from almost everyone except researchers and a few crazy health nuts...

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Amino-Acid-Packed Protein REINS in Blood Sugar

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I bet I can tell you how almost every trip to your mainstream doctor goes. You walk into the exam room and sit down. Then, nine times out of ten, you walk out a few minutes later clutching a little slip of paper. Because if you have a new health...

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Beat the Heat (No Pricey AC Required!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Oh, my goodness, has it been hot lately! I live in Colorado, where it is (thankfully) dry. But that heat still feels like it’s burning through my skull every time I step outside. Some of us are lucky enough to have air conditioning. But let’s be honest, even that doesn’t...

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WARNING: Heart Disease and Diabetes Popping Up Post COVID-19

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, A recent report by insurance companies is raising some alarm bells. The disturbing conclusion is death rates are sharply rising. More people have died in the last few years than expected… a LOT MORE. And the troubling trend shows no clear signs of slowing down. Most puzzling of all? These...

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Man suffering from headaches has eyes closed and hands on temples

“Stick It" to Headaches with this Ancient Solution

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Tension headaches are more common than most people realize. In fact, two-thirds of us struggle with them. But as odd as it sounds, many folks don’t always realize when they’re having one. They know they’re in pain, of course. But they might insist it’s eye strain or a sinus issue....

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