A Fool-Proof Way to BEAT Cancer?
Dear Reader, Many of my patients live in fear of cancer. And who can blame them? We all know and how quickly it can change your life… and the lives of your loved ones. But here’s some good news… There’s actually a foolproof way to slash your risk of ever getting cancer. And it’s something you can...

Small But Mighty Fruit HALTS Blindness?!
If you’re like most of us, you’d do just about anything to never lose your eyesight. That’s why you never skip a serving of eye-enhancing leafy greens or carrots. But there’s something else you should be eating if you want to keep your eyesight well into your golden years. Because Australian researchers have discovered that a...

Superstar Vitamin SLASHES Vertigo Risk 45%
Dear Reader, Have you ever had that awful feeling… where you don’t know which way is up or which is down? Because the world is spinning. It feels like you’re moving… but you’re not. “Lightheaded” and “nauseated” don’t even begin to cover it. There’s only one word for it: vertigo. As miserable as vertigo is, it can be even more miserable to treat....

Another SHOCKING Truth About Cholesterol Drugs [BREAKING]
Dear Reader, f you have heart problems, there’s no doubt your mainstream doc has pushed to put you on a statin (cholesterol-lowering) drug. Now, if you’ve been reading Living Well Daily for a while, you already know that statins can weaken your muscles… increase your risk of diabetes… and even set you up for memory problems. But according to a new study, there’s another HUGE problem with...

“Clock Habit” RIDS Your Brain of Waste
Dear Reader, You have a three-pound collection of a gelatin-like substance in your head. Otherwise known as your brain. Your Jello–like brain directs your consciousness, helps you make sense of the world, and manages all your body functions (like breathing, beating your heart, digesting your food…). But just like the rest of your body, your brain accumulates waste (and runs into problems when it doesn’t get to clean itself properly). There’s one key player when it comes to getting...
[EXPOSED] The TRUTH About Your Allergy Meds
Dear Reader, As summers get longer and hotter…you know what that means. Allergies are going to SKYROCKET. Over the counter medicines sometimes “work” to calm allergies… But they don’t work for long. What’s worse… you have to keep using more and MORE to get any kind of effect, and even then, they’ll eventually become useless. So you’re still left with your allergy troubles, and an...
[SENIORS] How Much Sleep Do You REALLY Need?
Dear Reader, I have a few teenagers in my house and they sleep more than I can possibly imagine. And that’s the way it should be. They need that extra rest to help develop their maturing brains and bodies. We all recognize that our kids (or grandkid) need a lot of sleep in order to be happy and content, but we tend to ignore how much sleep we need. Well,...
“Friday Night Drink” Helps SUPERCHARGE Your Brain?!
Dear Reader, Are you fed up with your occasional “senior moments”? And tired of wondering why your memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be? If so… then you’ll want to keep reading. Surprising breakthrough science is now showing it’s possible to improve short-term memory power… And one study shows it could be as much as...
REVEALED: Secrets About the SIZE of Your Brain
Dear Reader, A big brain sounds like an excellent idea doesn’t it? The bigger the brain, the smarter you are –– ask any salamander. In fact, because your brain tends to shrink as you get older, having a bigger brain usually means you keep your cognitive functioning longer (and avoid dementia). But…this isn’t always the case. Sometimes a bigger brain is the last thing you want. A new study found that our brains shrink when we are depressed and as we get older. ...
COVID-19: Hidden Link in BLOOD?
Dear Reader, There’s really only one piece of good news when it comes to COVID-19: The longer it’s around, the more we learn about what it does to our bodies and how we can fight it better. And recently, researchers have found a surprising link between the virus and our blood. It’s not what you think… and it might just be a game changer once this all plays out. ...
75% of Americans Indulging in This DANGEROUS Trend
Dear Reader, In times of trouble, we all need comfort. And the more time you spend at home (especially during this pandemic) the more you might find yourself reaching for comfort in the form of food. Let’s be honest… comfort foods are one (of many) ways us humans deal with a life of isolation and worry. I get it, truly. We’ve all been there. But, that being said, going overboard on comfort food can have dangerous consequences, namely...
60% of Seniors Need THIS for Their Eyes?!
Dear Reader, I’m going to ask a question, and I hope you’ll answer honestly. How is your eyesight? If you’re like most people, when your doc asks this question, you’ll say, “My eyesight is fine.” But there’s a big problem with that: because most of the time us humans don’t notice when things change SLOWLY (especially eyesight). To prove my point, a new study found that 60 percent of older people need glasses to improve their vision. ...
"Green Trend" BLASTS Common Infections
Dear Reader, The failure of antibiotics is a modern disaster that’s reaching dangerously high levels…. The over-prescribing of antibiotics is leading more and more to antibiotic-resistant superbugs. (And that’s not to mention the COVID-19 bug that’s still running amok…) If something isn’t found soon to replace antibiotics, people will eventually die from common infections that used to be easily treated. Thankfully, this “green trend” might be the miracle we’ve been looking for. *** ...
How to SLAM THE DOOR on Alzheimer’s?!
I’m on a personal mission to keep you from getting Alzheimer’s disease. Why? Because I’ve seen far too many people fall into old age unprepared… and lose their memory and independence in the process. But you don’t have to be the next victim. Because there’s a dead-simple way to STOP Alzheimer’s before it STARTS. And it can improve your...
“Bathroom Habit” SCRUBS Away IBD?!
Dear Reader, About three million people in United States have inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This painful chronic stomach condition is generally caused by an imbalance in the gut microbiome (that collection of microorganisms which help maintain our digestive health and overall health). If you suffer from IBD, you already know miserable it can make daily life. And I’m sure you know the common suggestions for a healthy microbiome:...
Nature’s No. 1 Immune BOOSTER
Dear Reader, During this COVID-19 crisis, everyone has the same wish: that a vaccine will arrive soon. Well, unfortunately there are a lot of complications that come with creating a vaccine (especially with creating one at top-notch speed). Some concerns start with the fact that there hasn’t ever been a vaccine for this type of virus (complex viruses are very difficult). Another thought is that older...
“Secret Food Toxin” DESTROYS Your Gut
Dear Reader, “All disease begins in the gut.” The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said, nearly 2,500 years ago. So, it goes without saying that, if you want to stay healthy, you need to keep your gut happy. And, as a reader of Living Well Daily, you’re probably someone who already tries your hardest to take care of your health. But there’s a “secret food toxin” that could be hiding on your...
The End of Antibiotic? Here’s What to Do
Dear Reader, Antibiotics really are wonder drugs. They’ve put an end to deadly infections… and saved the lives of millions. But thanks to the mainstream’s over-prescribing, it looks like their heyday could be coming to an abrupt end. Chances are you’ve heard the stories about deadly “superbugs” and how antibiotics have stopped working. And yet, conventional medicine does NOTHING to protect you. ...
SLAM the Brakes on Breast Cancer [Naturally!]
Dear Reader, Recently, actress Kelly Preston, John Travolta’s wife, died at the age of 57 from breast cancer. While mainstream medicine will tout a 99 percent 5–year survival rate for women with breast cancer, that is a lie. What they really mean is: only the women who have highly localized disease see these good results. Whereas women with a cancer that has spread, have a 27 percent chance of living 5 years. What’s worse?...
Nighttime Secret Could REDUCE Death Risk by 13%
Dear Reader, I think there’s one thing we can all agree on: We all want to live a long, healthy life. But making this a reality is can feel like it’s easier said than done. You have to eat the right foods, get enough exercise, take the right supplements, watch your blood pressure, your sugars, your...