The Secret to Aging Like a “Super Senior”
Dr. Olson dishes the secret to healthy aging and how you can attain it.
Exposed! The Health LIES About Booze
Dr. Olson reveals the big lie of the latest health “discovery.”
This ONE Supplement Reverses Failing Health
Dr. Olson reminds us of one necessary vitamin we’re all missing.
Is This “Wonder Spice” Too Good to Be True?
Dr. Scott Olson, ND gives us the final word on the effects of turmeric.
Don’t Fall for These Belly Fat LIES
Quick belly fat loss makes for great headlines, but for awful reality. The truth is that you can destroy belly fat, but it takes more than a few leg exercises.
Weird Brown Liquid Torches Fat
Dr. Olson exposes the truths and myths of apple cider vinegar.
Dr. Scott's FIX for Night Blindness
Nyctalopia is the scientific term for night blindness and it is no joke in the modern world.
STOP 3 Steps to PERFECT Digestion
Dr. Scott Olson, ND provides an arsenal of delicious foods that help digestion.