Knee Pain? Try This Spicy Cure
Big Pharma does it again! Find out how their next “miracle” drug can already be found at your local pharmacy for just $7. Read on to discover more.
Powerhouse Combo KILLS Cancer
Cancer is hard to treat, and the treatments can really take a toll on your health. Fortunately, U.K. researchers have just discovered a powerhouse combination that kills cancer at its source and won’t make you sick. Read on to discover more.
Are These Foods Giving You Alzheimer's?!?
Nothing says it’s the weekend like grabbing a burger and fries or treating yourself to a milkshake. But if you’re concerned about your memory, you might want to rethink your weekend menu. Because researchers from the University of Southern California have just found that these types of foods could increase your risk for Alzheimer's.
Military Secret REVERSES Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is one of the toughest parts of aging. And to make things worse, you’re forced to spend your golden years adjusting your hearing aids and constantly being told to “turn that down.” Fortunately, U.S. Army researchers have found that one of your favorite foods could boost your hearing. Read on to discover more.
Mailbag! More Bad News About E-Cigs
New research shows e-cigs can damage your health as much as their tobacco counterparts can. Read on to discover just how dangerous they really are.
URGENT: Deadly New Threat in Our Food
Without question, antibiotic resistance is one of the top threats to your health these days. And while you might think you’re safe from it... you’re not. According to some brand-new research from California State University, there’s one way you can get infected with drug-resistant bacteria that’s nearly impossible to avoid. Read on to discover more.
FDA Finally Pulls Deadly Drug
For years, we’ve been told that the only safe way to fight severe pain is with dangerous opioid drugs. But as we’ve seen over the last decade or so, that’s simply not true — opioids can lead to serious addictions. And after years of these drugs causing serious health problems and even deadly overdoses, it looks like the FDA has finally taken notice.
REVERSE Heart Disease for 10 Cents a Day
It’s no secret that fiber is good for you. It’s key to keeping your blood sugar balanced, your bowels healthy and your waist trim. But there’s one more reason you should be eating a certain type of fiber — it can help you REVERSE heart disease for just a dime a day.
This Milk LIE Could Give You Parkinson’s
For years, the mainstream has been telling us to choose skim or low-fat if we want to stay fit and healthy. But there’s one important thing about these “healthy” milks you haven’t been told. According to Harvard researchers, low-fat dairy can put you on the fast track to developing Parkinson’s. Read on to discover more.
These 3 Foods Starve Prostate Cancer
We’ve all heard the old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But as it turns out, apples could be doing a lot more than just keeping you out of the doctor’s office. According to brand-new research from the University of Texas, apples and two other common foods could help you fight prostate cancer before it starts.