Better Memory with this "Nose" Trick (226% BOOST!?)
You have five primary senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. (The sixth one doesn’t count. Only your Aunt Mable claims that one.) But you’ve likely noticed that only your sight and hearing get tested when you visit the doctor. Your senses of taste, touch, and smell are almost entirely ignored. And ignoring one of...

This Drink Could DESTROY Your Liver [ALERT]
People often ask me what’s the WORST thing for their health. Cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs often pop to mind. But everyone KNOWS those things are bad. But there’s in fact, a popular “harmless” daily habit that has HUGE health consequences. And it can be every bit as bad as a cigarette or booze habit....

Down a Daily Mug of Alzheimer's Prevention
I have a foolproof plan for maintaining clear thinking and a steel-trap memory as you age. Ready to hear it? Stop plaques and tangles from building up in your brain. Unfortunately, it’s the perfect example of “Easy to say, but not so easy to do.” Or, it was until NOW. Because scientists have discovered a...

"MIRACLE Molecule" RESISTS Aging?
The science of aging is growing at breakneck speed. It seems like hardly a week passes when we don’t learn something new. And now, one study in particular could upend everything we THINK we know about aging. Most importantly, it could unlock a way to “SLOW” it down…. And, incredibly, it may even help extend...

“10% of Your Brain” Myth: Here’s the TRUTH
It’s funny how an idea will ebb and flow. “You only use 10 percent of your brain.” It’s an idea I haven’t heard in a long time. But it’s getting a lot of play again lately. It has some serious staying power. But is it true? It might surprise you to learn this odd claim...
“BRIGHT” Breakthrough ENDS Psoriasis Suffering?
Folks with psoriasis never get a break. It’s not just the dry air in the winter that can cause painful flare-ups. The hot air in the summer can trigger them too. Then, despite the heat, you’re forced to wear more clothes to hide the embarrassing rash. But you may not have to suffer any longer....
Mailbag: BEAT Back to School Bugs
“I watch my grandson for a bit once he gets home from school. Can I do anything to prevent myself from getting the school kids germs?” Darlene from Fairhope, Alabama Hi Darlene, Kids pick up lots of different bugs at school. They’re like little petri dishes. So, it can be difficult to avoid getting sick. But...
(NON-Diabetics): DON’T Miss this Blood Sugar Warning
Let’s be clear about one thing. Drug company execs will stop at NOTHING to line their pockets with MORE cash. And their influence on mainstream medicine is undeniable. So, I’m not surprised to see talk of a “prescribing gap” being tossed around in the wake of a new study. Researchers have issued a critical blood...
Strange “Bug Secret” STOPS Cognitive Decline!?
If you listen to the medical establishment, you’d think there’s nothing you can do to prevent cognitive decline—much less reverse any loss you’ve already had. They say the decline is natural with age. That your brain just gets old and starts to wear out. Eventually, if you live long enough, it will just break, they...
Popular Weight Loss Tool INCREASES Body Fat!?
I’ve studied diet and nutrition for nearly my whole adult life. One red flag has grown bigger with every passing year. And that’s how much extra weight Americans are carrying around. A few extra pounds are no problem. But many of us are packing FAR more than a few. We used to think of fat...
Lucky #13 Slashes Diabetes Risk 40%
When it comes to dodging diabetes, it’s all a numbers game. And far too many of us are ending up losing that gamble these days. Over 29 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes in 2019. And over eight million had the disease and didn’t even know it. If you’re a senior, the picture is worse....
Trick Yourself into Drinking MORE Water
You probably know that drinking water is VITAL for good health. But most folks DON’T know that the older you get, the more water you need. There are various reasons why. Plus, you can try some tasty tricks to ensure you DO get enough. Dehydration is a leading cause of hospitalization in seniors. And a...
SHOCKING Trigger for Hard-to-Treat Hypertension
You’re locked into a battle with your high blood pressure. And currently, it’s winning. Name it, and you’ve tried it. Diet, exercise, medication… check, check, and CHECK. Heck, maybe you’ve even used a few natural therapies and STILL hit a brick wall. But your blood pressure stubbornly stays up. Or worse, KEEPS climbing. And you...
MAILBAG! The Truth About Stevia
“Is stevia as bad as other sweeteners? I’m diabetic and use it to watch my sugars.“ — Diane from Woodstock, Illinois Hi Diane, The short answer to your question is NO. Stevia is NOT as bad as the alternative artificial sweeteners. Regular Living Daily readers already know how I feel about ARTIFICIAL sweeteners. (Hint: I HATE...
Common Cooking Oil SLASHES Dementia Risk?!
We ALL desperately hope to hold on to our memory and wits as we age. Quick-witted, sharp, shrewd, savvy, on the ball, quick on the draw… I could go on and on because at least two dozen words and phrases in the English language highlight how incredibly important maintaining a steel-trap mind is to us....
Breathe Easy with THIS Lung Fix
Health professionals tend to focus on the BIG FOUR diseases: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and dementia (Alzheimer’s). There are many good reasons for this, including helping people prevent the most common medical conditions they’re likely to encounter. But because of all this attention, some doctors and scientists tend to sweep other (equally important) conditions under...
Battling Tummy Troubles? Check Food Labels for THIS
It’s NOT your imagination. Digestive troubles ARE on the rise. Gastroenterologists confirm it. Stress, a fast-paced lifestyle, eating at odd hours, and a poor diet all likely play a part in the spike. But there’s ANOTHER sneaky trigger that countless folks are exposed to daily. A common cooking oil could be WRECKING your gut! If...
Fatigue Could Have A SURPRISING Cause (WEIRD!)
When I was younger, I thought we ALL slowed down in our senior years. I was convinced it was a natural and inevitable part of aging. And that the retirement years were essentially for putting up your feet and relaxing (because it was too exhausting to do much else). But I now realize that’s no...
The Hidden Harm of Going Vegetarian
I have a number of friends and relatives who truly believe that eating a vegetarian or vegan diet is healthier. Some have even turned vegan based on a suggestion from their doctor. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m a BIG fan of veggies. But you shouldn’t base your entire diet on them. Because when you...
Common Sleep Mistake Could Trigger CANCER
I don’t want to alarm you. But you could be a ticking cancer time bomb. In fact, we ALL could be. Because every one of us has cancer-related genes lurking inside us. But there IS a way to slow that cancer clock to a crawl. And you may even be able to stop that strike...