THIS Could Steal Your Vision (Scary)

If you’re like me, you’d do just about anything to never lose your eyesight.  That’s why you try to never skip a serving of eye-enhancing antioxidants and always eat wild-caught seafood.  But there’s something you need to know.   Researchers have discovered a new cause of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).  And it’s terrifying.  As many as 11 million people in the United States have some...

Mailbag! Heal Your Arthritis Pain?!

I’m battling with osteoarthritis in my hips. Could you recommend some exercises or supplements to help with pain and mobility? –Wendell from Lexington, KY This is a great question because you hit on the two BEST ways to help reduce arthritis pain: exercise and supplements. Wendell, you’re not alone. Statistics show that one in five...

This Med CAUSES Skin Cancer?! (Scary)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, For years, the mainstream has blamed skyrocketing cancer rates on three things: smoking… poor diet… and bad genetics. But they’ve left out one gigantic thing… Your prescription bottles. New research shows that this medicine thousands of Americans take every day could cause skin cancer. Here’s everything you need to know....

Blood Thinner “K” Conspiracy REVEALED (Shocking!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Time after time, the mainstream gets it wrong. And it’s no different when it comes to blood thinners. They’ll swear up and down that your prescription is safe, as long as you NEVER do this one thing. But it turns out they’re wrong yet again… and it could cost you...

“Sugar Secret” BUILDS Muscle (Pain-Free!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t know about you, but if I work hard in the garden or go on a really long bike ride, it takes a few days for the aches to go away. And though it’s a pain (pardon the pun), the aches are worth it. Maintaining good muscle mass helps...

[COVID-19] The CDC Says STOP Doing This!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there has been a lot of something called “hygiene theater” going on. This is when businesses make COVID-19 cleaning routines into a showy production that’s supposed to ease your mind. For instance, my gym closes every two hours so that...

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It’s Not Alzheimer’s… It’s THIS Common Infection (SHOCKING!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re not feeling well, one of the WORST things you can do is plug your symptoms into Google. Because no matter what you have, the internet will tell you it’s either cancer or you’re dying. And mainstream medicine is starting to follow that same pattern. You go to your...

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“Rocket Fuel” for Fat Loss?! (30 Mins)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t know about you, but I love a good shortcut. Now I’m not talking about cheating or doing anything wrong. I’m talking about making the most of my time and energy each day. And when it comes to losing weight, a shortcut could be all you need. What if...

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Mailbag! How to SAVE Your Kidneys (Diabetics Only)

I’m diabetic and very concerned about my kidney health. What supplements or other treatments would you suggest? –Pete in St. Paul, Minnesota Hi Pete, You are right to be concerned about your kidneys: they’re essential for detoxification and good health. And unfortunately, diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease, striking about 30 percent of...

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30-Minute Trick SAVES Your Gut (Easy!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Your body loves routine. There are certain times of the day and night that are best to eat, relax, exercise, and sleep for optimal health. Following your body’s natural rhythm is key to preventing memory loss, cancer, and more. But did you know your gut comes into play as well?...

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HALT Colon Cancer… with Light!? (Strange)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s one thing I agree with the mainstream on when it comes to cancer… Prevention is key. But despite all your best efforts—keeping up with doctor appointments, watching what you eat—sometimes you face a cancer diagnosis anyways. And this is where my agreement with the mainstream takes a sharp turn…...

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[WARNING] FDA Recalls ANOTHER Common Drug

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It feels like every other week, there’s another FDA prescription medicine recall. Whether it’s for hand or   or anxiety , Big Pharma sure keeps them on their toes. Why DOES this keep happening? Rushing drugs to market before they’re ready… making sub-par products… lax factory supervision… Whatever the cause...

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[URGENT] Massive Hand Sanitizer Recall!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re like most folks, you probably have bottles of hand sanitizer tucked away in all kinds of places… your purse… your car… and on just about every surface in your house. After what we’ve all lived through in the last year, it’s completely understandable. But unfortunately, you could be...

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“Queen Bee” Cure for Breast Cancer?! (20 Minutes)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Recently, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. After undergoing a double mastectomy and now facing chemo treatments, you can imagine the pain and fear she’s feeling. And sadly, her story will be the same for many women in America. Breast cancer is a very real threat...

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[WARNING] Heart Attack Trigger FOUND… in Your Pantry?!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’m guessing you got the memo that taking care of your heart is VITAL for healthy aging. Heart disease remains the number one cause of death for both men and women… and now researchers have found another clue why. You see, preventing heart disease isn’t just about exercise and avoiding...

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Mailbag! COOL Heartburn Without Meds?

I suffer from GERD, and I feel like I’m always clearing my throat. I’m wondering what you would recommend to get rid of this miserable disease? –John from Omaha, Nebraska Hi John, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disorder where the contents of your stomach move upwards, causing a burning sensation in your chest. Most...

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This Condition DOUBLES COVID Risk?!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Just when cases of COVID-19 have started to drop, they’ve begun surging again. It’s not unusual for places – take India for example – that were once doing great to now see surges in the number of new cases. While we’re all getting overly fatigued by the inconvenience and isolation...

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Mainstream “Cure” Is TEARING DOWN Your Bones!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Happy Mother’s Day! Whether you’re a mother or a grandmother, I hope that you’re celebrated today! And since it is such an important day, I wanted to make sure I talked about something that affects far too many women… Osteoporosis. As you know, aging can up your odds for this...

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[LADIES] Is Your Alzheimer’s Risk 75% Higher?!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Women have been left behind by mainstream medicine. Not only do you have to succumb to multiple, uncomfortable exams, there are STILL no effective medications for basic problems that come with age… like night sweats, painful intercourse, and (safe) hormone replacement therapy. And now, science has let you down yet...

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Food Ingredient MAKING You Sick?! (Scary)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Food safety regulations are a downright shame in this country, Whether it’s overlooking an E. coli problem with romaine lettuce or letting ground-up glass end up in Hot Pockets, the sky’s the limit when it comes to Big Food’s incompetence. Because the bottom line is, they don’t care about your...

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