[ALERT] NEVER Do This After Exercise
There’s all kinds of advice out there on the best way to get the most out of your workout. You know… post-exercise protein shakes… drinking water… and taking supplements. But what you don’t hear about is what you SHOULDN’T do after a workout. As it turns out there’s one weird thing you should avoid at all costs. And it...

Spicy Secret SHUTS DOWN Heart Attacks
If you’re anything like my senior patients, you’re probably doing everything you can for your heart. You go for a long walk every morning… you eat plenty of fiber… and you even take heart-boosting supplements like omega-3 fatty acids. But if you‘re skipping a certain red hot spice, your heart could be in danger. Because according to new research,...

STOP Diabetes, Heart Disease, and More… With BEER?!
I’ve been known to crack open a beer every now and then. And who could blame me? When consumed in moderation, this delicious brew can lower your stress… improve your bad cholesterol… and even strengthen your bones. Now we know it contains powerful compounds that can help STOP many deadly diseases before they start. Here’s everything...

This Apple Trick STOPS Heart Attack and Stroke (Amazing!)
It’s no secret that apples are good for you. They can help you lose weight… improve your digestion… and even improve your gut health. It’s no wonder they say “an apple a day keep the doctor away.” And guess what? Science is now finding that this adage is actually TRUE… especially when it comes to your heart. In fact, this groundbreaking new...

THIS Type of Coffee DESTROYS Diabetes?!
Ask your mainstream doc about how much coffee you should drink and you’ll probably get the same old answer: NONE. They’ll tell you it’s bad for your heart… will make you nervous… and even cause digestion problems. But these are just more of their HUGE LIES. Research shows that coffee can boost your heart, help you fight memory loss, and...
Miracle Vitamin SHUTS DOWN Deadly Condition
Being in the hospital is rarely a good thing. It usually means either you – or someone you love – is sick, hurt, or recovering from surgery or illness. But that’s just the beginning of your hospital troubles. Because lots of people walk into a hospital and never walk out again. And it’s all due to a hard-to-treat condition called sepsis. ...
SLASH Your Prostate Cancer Risk 51%?!
If you’re a man over 50, there are probably few things you fear more than getting prostate cancer. And who could blame you? Because most mainstream treatments can leave you in pain… incontinent… and even interfere with your performance in the bedroom. Fortunately, there’s a way to STOP prostate cancer – and its painful treatments – before they start. In...
Ditch Your Pain Meds?! (Here’s How to Do It!)
If you’re anything like my senior patients, chronic pain is probably part of your life. And you already know how the endless throbbing… aching… and limited mobility can turn your life upside down. But your mainstream doc is NO HELP. He’ll just hand you’re a script for an addictive, dangerous opioid drug. Luckily, you DON’T...
The Cholesterol Fact You NEED to Know
Mainstream medicine and the mainstream media want you to believe that cholesterol is the worst thing for your health. But that’s simply NOT true. In fact, every single cell in your body needs cholesterol. This is especially true for your brain – which is 25 percent cholesterol. And there’s not a shred of evidence that high cholesterol harms you… or cholesterol-lowering drugs do anything good for your health. But this doesn’t mean...
High Blood Sugar? (Here’s How to Tell)
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… Maintain a balanced blood sugar is the best way to stay healthy as you age. Because high blood sugar doesn’t just give you diabetes… it’s also a key driver behind some of the worst chronic diseases around But if you’re like most of us, you don’t...
Make 2020 the BEST Year for Your Heart, Blood Sugar, and Waistline!
If you’re like most of my senior patients, you will do just about anything to NEVER gain weight… or get heart disease and diabetes. That’s why you’re taking your supplements… getting regular exercise… and watching your diet. But researchers have found another way to reduce your cholesterol, lower your blood sugar, and shrink your waistline....
FREE Secret Adds 4 Years to Your Life?!
Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new year. And if you anything like me, you plan on seeing the start of many more to come. That’s why you exercise… eat right… and take your supplements. But if you want to REALLY extend your life, there’s one more thing you should do. Because researchers have found...
Leftover Holiday Treat SLASHES Your Pain 25%
Christmas might be over… but the nagging back, neck and shoulder pain that comes along with all those wrapped packages… decorated cookies… and playing with the grandkids is here for the long haul. And your mainstream doc won’t help you. He’ll just hand you a script for some dangerous drugs and send you on your...
Bathroom Secret Cures Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and More!
Ask your mainstream doc how to never get diabetes… or Alzheimer’s… or even heart disease and they will give you the same tired advice. You know the drill: Eat better and exercise more. But the truth is, there’s an important step he’s leaving out. You see, studies show that there’s a dead-simple way to STOP...
Do THIS to NEVER Get Heart Disease (AMAZING!)
“Why bother?” Dean said. “I’m just going to die young anyway.” Dean sat across from me and was responding to my urging him to make better food choices. He was in the office because his wife wanted him to see me about his heart health. My suggestions did not move Dean. “Both my father, grandfather,...
[LADIES] Is THIS Nighttime Problem CAUSING Cancer?!
Ask your mainstream doc what causes cancer and he’ll rattle off the same old tired answers: your diet… your genes… and your environment. And he’s not exactly wrong. These things can damage your health. But he’s leaving out another major factor when it comes to who gets cancer… and who doesn’t. Because according to new...
“Kissing Herb” BURNS Fat!
Christmas might be over, but the holiday madness is still far from over. And when it comes to your health, there’s one organ that takes a real beating during the holidays. I’m talking about your liver. Not only does it have to process all of those yuletide cocktails… it also takes a hit from all...
Christmas Treat SINKS Blood Pressure
It’s Christmas day and there’s no doubt you’re indulging in some of your favorite movies… libations… and treats with the whole family. And while this is a day of celebration and joy… the prep for it can be stressful. That’s why it’s important to keep your blood pressure down if you want to enjoy this...
“Wash Away” Alzheimer’s with THIS Festive Drink
It’s Christmas Eve and you’re probably looking forward to a nice dinner… or a relaxing time around the tree with your loved ones. No matter what you’re up to today, it’s likely there’s plenty of good food and beverages to go along with the festivities. But if you want to keep these Christmas memories forever,...
Using Steroids? You MUST Read This!
If you have asthma, arthritis, allergies, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, or if your doctor has ever suggested you take a course of steroids for any reason you need to pay attention. It’s no secret that these drugs are linked to cataracts… high blood pressure… and even weight gain. Now, there’s another reason to avoid them....