"Super Veggie" Shreds Fat
Love it or hate it — there’s no denying broccoli is good for you. And it looks like researchers from the University of Illinois have recently discovered one more reason why you should be eating more of it — your gut. Read on to discover more.

Mailbag! [Warning] New Threat Found in Nursing Homes
Recently, scientists have discovered something that’s truly terrifying — a quarter of all nursing home patients already have dangerous bacteria in their bodies. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to lessen your or your loved one's risk of getting one of these nasty bugs. Read on to discover more.

Do THIS and Watch Stress Melt Away
Stress can really take a toll on your health. And when left unchecked, stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease and even diabetes. Fortunately, some researchers from the University of Georgia have recently discovered that two nutrients can help shield your body from the devastating effects of stress. Read on to discover more.

Beat Diabetes With This Thermostat Trick
If you’re looking for a drug-free way to fight diabetes, look no further. Researchers from the Netherlands have just discovered a dead-simple way to shield your body from diabetes without painful shots or handfuls of dangerous meds. Read on to discover more.

Ancient Herb Boosts Memory
Nothing’s more embarrassing than forgetting someone’s name or zoning out when listening to a loved one’s story. But as the years go by, your memory and attention span can really start to dwindle. Fortunately, an ancient herb can help boost your memory and even improve your attention. Read on to discover more.
Tasty Snack Fights Cancer, Boosts Life Span 25%
Want a delicious snack that can fight cancer and help you live 25 percent longer? You’re in luck! Researchers have found a tasty food that can do just that. Read on to discover what it is.
This Spice Just CURED Diabetes
It’s no secret that inflammation is the root cause of all disease. Fortunately, a simple food can help shield your body from the effects of inflammation. And believe it or not — it may even be powerful enough to cure diabetes. Read on to discover more.
Mailbag! Breakthrough ERASES Shingles Pain
If you’ve ever had shingles, you know how painful it can be. And the worst part — the pain can last for weeks even after the blisters have healed. Fortunately, researchers have uncovered an ancient remedy that can help your shingles heal faster and erase your pain. Read on to discover more.
Miracle Molecule STOPS Stroke Damage
If you’re lucky enough to survive a stroke, you could face a long and costly road to recovery. Fortunately, LSU researchers have found an all-natural miracle molecule that can stop stroke damage in its tracks. Read on to discover more.
Ordinary Berry KILLS Cancer
It’s no secret that strawberries are good for you. In fact, strawberries are so powerful they can shield you from heart disease, stroke and diabetes. But the good new doesn’t stop there. Find out what an international team of researchers has just discovered about this not-so-ordinary berry.
This Protein Drops Diabetes Risk 35%
Managing diabetes can really put a damper on the little things in life. You’re forced to forgo things like getting ice cream with the grandkids. But it looks like there’s a dead-simple way to stop diabetes. And the best part — it’s dirt-cheap and might be sitting in your pantry. Read on to discover more.
[Warning] Popular Pills Causing Dangerous Falls?!?
For years, we’ve been told the best way to stop pain — emotional or physical — is with risky drugs. And while your doc may warn you that they can be addictive, he will likely fail to mention they come with another danger. Read on to discover what it is.
Wonder Spice DESTROYS UTIs
If you’ve ever had a UTI, you know just how uncomfortable they are. The never-ending uncomfortable urges and intense stinging pains can make you desperate for a cure. Fortunately, some researchers in India have just cracked the code on how to stop stubborn UTIs. Read on to discover more.
Mailbag! Docs Using Horse Drugs for Depression?!?
Depression can strike anytime. And when severe enough it can require medication. It’s no surprise that some depression drugs can cause all kinds of side effects, but they’re nothing compared with what’s coming down the pike for depression treatment. You see, a drug with a history of recreational use and addictive properties is positioned to be the next big depression breakthrough.
Nutrient Duo DROPS Blood Pressure
Got high blood pressure? Then you might have low vitamin levels. Find out which two vitamins can keep your blood pressure down and your heart and bones in tiptop shape. Read on to discover more…
Shocking! Docs IGNORING Cancer Guidelines
Breast cancer is a long and painful journey that usually begins with a mammogram. Unfortunately, the guidelines for this painful screening are being ignored by 81 percent of doctors. Read on to find out if your doc is one of them.
Drop ONE Food to Stop Heart Attack & Stroke
Want to reduce your chances of having a stroke or heart attack? Good news: There’s a dead-simple way to significantly decrease your risks of both. And all you have to do is avoid a certain ingredient. Read on to discover more.
Drug-Free Solution STOPS Hip Pain
Suffering from hip pain but can’t stand the thought of another agonizing cortisone shot? Then you’re in luck. Texas researchers have found a 100 percent drug-free way to fight hip pain. And it works just as well as cortisone. Read on to discover more.
[Warning] High Pollen Triggering Heart Attacks
Spring brings flowers and trees back to life. But it also brings lots of pollen. And as it turns out, running out of tissues isn't the thing you should be worrying about this allergy season. Canadian researchers have just discovered that pollen can also take a toll on your heart. Read on to discover more.
Mailbag! Urgent New Alzheimer’s Warning
Pneumonia can threaten your health and even your life. And aging and certain medical conditions can up your risk of getting this dangerous infection. Even worse, a popular medication can increase your risk by nearly a third. Read on to discover if you’re taking it…