MAILBAG! Seven Steps for Easing Essential Tremors

I suffer from an essential tremor in my left hand. Do you know of any ways to manage it? –Eddie from Jacksonville, FL Eddie, Typically, essential tremors are not harmful, but they can be very aggravating. Most notice tremors start in the hands; however, they can occur in neck muscles or voice muscles. When they...

“Ocean Secret” STOPS Up to 40% of Migraines

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, A patient named Cindy walked into my office and flopped onto the chair. The bags under her eyes and her apparent total exhaustion told me that she’d been through a lot lately. She then complained that she’d had more headaches recently, and had been having migraines most of her adult...

Tasty Fruit ELIMINATES Stubborn Belly Fat

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, For better or worse, summer is the prime season for folks to realize they’ve gained a few pounds in unwanted places. And it doesn’t matter what age you are, you want to feel good about yourself… and LOOK good too! But now, you might just have a secret weapon in...

[WARNING] This Alzheimer’s Treatment Could HURT You

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I have a feeling that people in the future will look back at us and cringe at the thought of some of our common medical practices. Because even though these methods may not look barbaric now, time will tell. And like the way we look down on bloodletting or leeches,...

ERASE Chronic Fatigue with This Stunning New Treatment

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re scratching your head and wondering what to do about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), then you’re not alone. While there can be a lot of pain associated with CFS, it’s the overwhelming exhaustion that people struggle with the most. You’ve probably tried extra-strength coffee, energy drinks, and all sorts...

“Magic Potion” REDUCES Heart Disease Risk!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’ve got grandkids, you probably at some point watched one of the Harry Potter movies. In this magical world of wizards, they have a spell or potion for just about anything you can think of! If only it were that easy when it comes to taking care of your...

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Mailbag! How to EASE Carpal Tunnel Pain

I have carpal tunnel from being a painter for forty years. What would you suggest for treatment? –Bill from Kissimmee, FL Bill, Years ago, I suffered from carpal tunnel when I worked for a medical information company and was using a mouse a lot. It got so bad I couldn’t hold on to a hammer...

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Strange Health Condition CAUSING Insomnia!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, How utterly miserable is insomnia? You get all tucked in to your cozy bed, turn off the light, and then, without an invitation… insomnia shows up and makes sleep IMPOSSIBLE. If you’ve struggled with insomnia at all, you’ve probably tried a long list of remedies. From over-the-counter sleep aids to...

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“Mystery Berry” TAMES High Blood Sugar

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have diabetes, you know firsthand how wretched it can be. The constant finger pricks… painful injections… and the pill popping can drive anyone crazy. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Diabetes could be setting you up for deadlier conditions, like heart and kidney disease… or even...

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Banned Drink RAISES Triglycerides!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Think about one of those movies where the good guy actually turns out to be the bad guy. When you find out, it’s usually a BIG shock. Well, this same good guy/bad guy switch has been going on for YEARS in the mainstream health industry – but most people don’t know...

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Powerful Technology DESTROYS Kidney Stones (Painlessly!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There is nothing more painful than passing a kidney stone. Even women who have been through childbirth claim passing a kidney stone was MUCH worse! Trying to pass a kidney stone, especially one that gets stuck in the urinary tract, can bring people to their knees and send them straight...

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“Mind Trick” STOPS Menopause Symptoms

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I love non-pill solutions. What do I mean? Habits like getting better sleep, exercising, and walking in the woods are all free, unmedicated ways to ease your symptoms and even lessen the impact of your condition. Not only that, non-pill solutions usually have additional benefits as well. And often, they’re...

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Stack of stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! [LADIES] 7 Tips for a Waning Sex Drive

I’m dealing with low sex drive and I hate it. Is there anything you can recommend? –Tanya from Nashville, TN Tanya, Not many people know that lack of libido is more common in women than in men. In fact, women are more than twice as likely to lose their lack of sex drive than men....

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5 Signs of DANGEROUSLY High Blood Sugar

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, High blood sugar has long been known as a silent disease. In fact, scientists estimate that around 25 percent of the people with diabetes have no idea they even have it! This is understandable: if you ask anyone what their blood sugar is, chances are they have no clue. But...

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Nutrient Deficiency Linked to Cognitive Decline

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, As you get older, your health focus usually shifts to more about your brain. Sure, your heart, joints, and blood sugar are all important. But without a healthy brain, you’ll lose everything… including your independence. The reality is, losing your memory might be a bigger threat than you ever imagined....

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WARNING: OTC Painkillers Do WHAT!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Most of us don’t think twice about taking a drug bought at the grocery store. Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are supposed to be safe… otherwise they wouldn’t be so easy to access. But the truth is, they’re far more dangerous than you think. According to a 2016 study, about 60,000 people...

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“Sunlight Trick” Fans the Flames of Romance (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, How do you like it when a mainstream doc tells you, “it’s just a normal part of aging?” I guess “normal” means you don’t sleep as well as you used to, you take more and more drugs, and let’s not even mention what happens in the bedroom… But don’t listen...

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Stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! How to TAME Hashimoto’s Disease Symptoms

I live with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and I’m having trouble controlling my weight. What would you recommend? –June from Hickory, NC June, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition where the thyroid is being attacked by the immune system. This “attack” knocks out the production of thyroid hormones, causing hypothyroidism (or an underperforming thyroid). The thyroid and...

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The Deadly Cost of Loneliness

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, We didn’t talk too much about loneliness before the pandemic… but now it’s a topic we can’t avoid. It’s long affected seniors, and since COVID-19 hit, the problem has become ten times worse. That’s because researchers have uncovered a dark side of social distancing. A new study has found that...

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The Heart Attack WARNING SIGN You Need to Know

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There are a lot of things you can prepare for in life. You can stock up on extra toilet paper (as we definitely learned in the pandemic!), make sure you keep the oil changed in your car and buy life insurance… But when it comes to a heart attack, it...

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