Mainstream Drug Causes Heart Disease and Cancer!?

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, We’ve all grown far too used to side effects of mainstream medicine. To be frank, we basically expect them! Headaches… nausea… sleeplessness… It all comes with the territory when you’re prescribed more of Big Pharma’s quick fixes. But what happens when the “side effects” are heart disease and cancer? Unfortunately,...

Sedentary Habit INCREASES Blood Clot Risk 35%

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s something most people don’t realize about exercise. A lot of people think they can go for a walk, jump in the pool, or go to an aerobics class and then sit around for the rest of the day. Even people who are training for long races will run 12...

stack of stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! Your Female Health Questions Answered

I’ve been dealing with a case of bacterial vaginosis, but I can’t take any of the conventional remedies for it. I was wondering if you knew of any non-prescription treatments that could help. –Renée from Point Pleasant, WV Renee, You’d be surprised by how many women are affected by bacterial vaginosis. For those who don’t...

Tropical Fruit Keeps Aging Muscles STRONG

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Want to be active later in life? If you answered “yes” (I’m assuming most people did!), then I have another question for you… How far can you walk in six minutes? If you can make it around a racing track (400 meters) more than once in six minutes, then you...

[LADIES] Save Your Liver with the MED-DASH Secret

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I wanted to take a moment this Mothers’ Day to say thank you to all of my readers who have raised children and grandchildren. While caring for others, you’re often forced to put your own health on the back burner, but today I want to bring the attention back to...

Men—This Breast Cancer Gene Could Kill You, Too

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re a woman, chances are you have heard about the BRCA gene (BReast CAncer gene). Scientists have known for a long time that a mutation in one of two breast cancer genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2, increases the risk of getting breast cancer. But, men, listen up – just because...

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Pills on a table top.

5 (Surprising!) Probiotic Benefits

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’ll admit it, sometimes it is hard to tell if a supplement you’re taking is working or not. This can be especially true for something like antioxidants which protect your brain. I mean, who can really feel their brain cells getting healthier? But when it comes to probiotics, there are...

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Man sitting in front of food at a table.

Taste Changed? You Could Have THIS Deadly Disease

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, The conditions that happen in our bodies are downright bizarre. And one of the strangest is dysgeusia, or a sudden change in how food tastes. It can happen overnight—suddenly your favorite food tastes “off.” You may even throw out the food thinking it’s spoiled, but the funny taste remains. This...

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stack of stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! How to Get Youthful Skin from the Inside Out

My skin has gotten thin and as I’ve aged, and I bruise pretty easily. Do you have any suggestions for taking care of it? –Tom from Biloxi, MS Tom, So many things are attacking our skin that it’s tough to keep it healthy as we age. Sun and chemical exposure (to both the inside and...

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Red mixed drink on a table.

“Brain-Protecting Punch” INCREASES Parkinson’s Disease Survival 70%

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You’ve got to protect your brain cells. Why? Because there are too many things trying to destroy them. Brain cells can be hurt by pollutants, toxins in our environment, food additives, drugs, too much sugar, and many more threats in our modern world. What if I told you that there...

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Two people cheering drinks.

Delicious Drink PREVENTS Falls? (Wow!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There are a lot of things people don’t tell you about staying healthy into your golden years. You’ve heard that you should take care of your heart, your brain, and your blood sugar. But one of the biggest dangers you’ll face as you age doesn’t get talked about enough… Falling...

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Person looking at a scan.

“Sunshine Factor” LOWERS Breast Cancer Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, In the United States, a woman’s risk of invasive breast cancer is 1 in 8 over the course of her lifetime. While this may not seem high compared to diabetes or heart disease, it’s still very significant – and if you have a close relative who’s battled the disease, your...

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Person sitting on a couch looking down.

Non-Invasive Arthritis Treatment MORE Effective Than Injections

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Watch TV for more than a few minutes, and I guarantee you’ll be bombarded with tons of drug commercials. These ads promise a “cure” from whatever ails you, claiming nothing but relief, happiness and butterflies ahead! There are MANY problems with mainstream drug commercials, but one of the biggest is...

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[LADIES] Simple Trick Increases Your Mobility by 46%!

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, As you age, mobility can become a big issue. I’m not just talking about balance or walking without a cane. Low mobility can mean putting yourself at risk for fractures or a broken hip… and once that happens, it’s all downhill from there. And this applies especially to senior women....

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Platter of vegetables on a table.

Mediterranean Condiment PLUMMETS Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Risk

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s no secret that good health depends on prevention. Once you reach a certain age, however, it can feel like it’s too late for prevention to make a difference… especially when it comes to serious conditions, like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. But the truth is, it’s never too late to make...

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Stamped envelopes.

Mailbag! 6 Ways to Relieve Spinal Pain

I have degenerative disc disease, and I was wondering if you could tell me some ways to make it easier. –Pamela from Albuquerque, NM Pamela, As I’m sure you already know, degenerative disc disease happens when the discs between the spine’s vertebrae shrink. This tightness makes it difficult for the nerves that travel through the...

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Virus cell.

This Virus INCREASES Parkinson’s Risk 70%

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I bet you could list at least a few things you can do to avoid heart disease. And I’m sure you could also list a few more things you can do to reduce your risk of diabetes and cancer. But what can you do to lower your risk of Parkinson’s...

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Person holding back in pain.

Mainstream Drug SURGES Kidney Disease Risk?! (Yikes!)

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It goes without saying that kidney disease is something you don’t want. People with kidney failure have to spend 3 to 5 hours at a dialysis center three times a week. If you’re “lucky” enough to have a dialysis machine at home, you have to be on it for 2...

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Woman covering eyes in bed

The Non-Pill Way to SOOTHE Menopause Symptoms

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I love non-pill solutions. What do I mean? Habits like getting better sleep, exercising, and walking in the woods are all free, unmedicated ways to ease your symptoms and even lessen the impact of your condition. Not only that, non-pill solutions usually have additional benefits as well. And often, they’re...

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lady smiling.

Woodland Secret BANISHES Depression

Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Depression is something no one wants to be stuck with. If you’re blue, you can feel trapped by your moods and are unable to escape the downward spiral. But what most a lot of folks don’t realize is that the food you eat can have a HUGE effect on your...

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