“Healthy” Drink TRIPLES Stroke Risk
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, High blood pressure and stroke are like two peas in a pod… if you have high blood pressure, then you’re MUCH more likely to have a stroke. But if you have a mainstream doctor, blood pressure is ALL he’ll talk about when he talks about stroke. As they say, close,...

ACE Inhibitors LINKED to Deadly Condition (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you take an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) for high blood pressure, chances are you’ve run into a few side effects. First, there’s the dry cough, then the headaches and loss of taste. Then comes the fatigue and dizziness. It’s no picnic! But there’s something else that comes with...

Strange Grain DEFEATS High Blood Sugar
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have prediabetes or diabetes, chances are your mainstream doc isn’t much help. They suggest the over-hyped drugs (which don’t work)… the outrageous workout plans (that no one can do)… or they tell you to give up your favorite foods (who wants to live like that!?). But what your...

STOP Liver Damage… with Beer!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a silent epidemic. The symptoms are hard to pin down… meaning the disease can wreak havoc before you even know it. Luckily, nature has a way to help reverse NAFLD and make your liver happy again. And strangely enough, it’s found in something you’re...

Could Hearing Loss Predict THIS Deadly Disease?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Pardon? What did you say? I didn’t catch that. If you find yourself asking these questions more than a few times a day, you’re probably already experiencing hearing loss. Having hearing issues isn’t just frustrating… it can be downright dangerous. You might miss an important phone call… or not hear...
Mailbag! Embarrassing Bathroom Issue SOLVED
I suffer from constipation and it’s really embarrassing. Is there anything that can help? –Joe from Omaha, NE ******** Joe, Yes, you’re right—constipation can definitely be embarrassing. It’s also painful and not good for your health. Most mainstream doctors think it’s normal if you move your bowels only once or twice a week. I most...
“Marvelous Molecule” SOOTHES Multiple Sclerosis
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), only you can truly understand how bad it is. The condition waxes and wanes. Sometimes you’re okay, other times you’re in pain. Facing issues with balance, numbness, weakness, vision, fatigue, and heat intolerance can become unbearable. But the drugs the mainstream doctors give you...
Stroke Patients: Cut Your Death Risk by 80%
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re a senior, your risk of getting a stroke is VERY high. According to scientists, middle-aged adults have a 17 percent risk of having a stroke in their lifetime. Having a stroke not only destroys your brain, but it makes it difficult to walk, talk, drive, or even to...
Could Loneliness KILL You?! (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, We didn’t talk too much about loneliness before the pandemic… but now it’s a topic we can’t avoid. It’s long affected seniors, and since COVID-19 hit, the problem has become ten times worse. That’s because researchers have uncovered a dark side of social distancing. A new study has found that...
[SENIORS] Mega Vitamin STOPS Alzheimer’s!
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, The list of things you should do to prevent Alzheimer’s disease is so long you could go to the DMV and post office and STILL get back in time to catch the end of your doctor’s spiel. Make sure you exercise, control your blood sugar, maintain a healthy weight, have...
“Ticking Time Bomb” Leads to HEART ATTACK
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, There’s a lot of things you can prepare for in life. You can stock up on extra toilet paper (as we definitely learned in the pandemic!), make sure you keep the oil changed in your car, and buy life insurance… But when it comes to a heart attack, it can...
Fix Your “SAD” Immune System in 1 Step (Easy)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Health researchers call our diet the “Standard American Diet” or the “SAD diet.” And that’s a good way to describe it. Our diet is SAD because it is full of sugars, artificial flavors, and artificial colors. In addition, it’s overcooked and lacks nutrients. It also wreaks havoc on your immune...
Mailbag! STOP Senior Muscle Loss with THIS
I’m looking to build muscle and stay strong. What would you recommend in the way of supplements and exercises? I’m a senior, so I don’t want anything too intense. –Ron from Weirton, WV ***** Ron, This is actually an area I love to talk about. Keeping muscle mass as you age is one of the...
Natural “Antibiotic Booster” Found? (Wow!)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin. Since then, antibiotics have been used all over the world. These super-drugs were a blessing to a society much in need of them. They saved countless lives and made dying from simple infections nearly obsolete. But there’s also a flip side to this story....
RELIEVE Sore Muscles with The BEST of Nature’s Medicine Chest
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re anything like me, you sometimes overdo it when you’re active, whether it’s weeding the garden, hiking in the hills, or even just cleaning out the garage. Then the next thing you know, you’re waking up with muscles so sore and stiff you’re lurching around like Frankenstein! But before...
SLASH Your Stroke Risk… with Bacteria!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re worried about stroke, you already know the drill: keep your triglycerides in check, eat as best you can, supplement when you need to, and get some exercise. And don’t get me wrong—those are all great things to do! But that’s a lot to keep up for one person....
Is This Breakfast Beverage Causing Glaucoma!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I don’t need to tell you how important your eyesight is. Your eyes aren’t just for gazing at sunsets or reading your favorite mystery novel. Without good eyesight, your quality-of-life plummets. Think about it: no more driving, seeing your kids or grandkids, and even finding your way around your home...
[ALERT] Doctors MISSING This Deadly Disease!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You trust your doctor, right? If you’re like most folks you’ve probably known him for years. You’ve griped to him about everything from your migraines to your sore joints. He knows your favorite football team as well as he knows your cholesterol numbers. But still, he might be missing something...
BEAT Diabetes with This Daily Habit
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re struggling with diabetes, your doctor has probably already warned you about carrying around too much weight and not getting enough exercise. I’ll bet he’s also warned you about it getting even worse because of your family history and age. It can get to the point where you feel...
Mailbag! IBS Wearing You Down? Try This!
I recently got diagnosed with IBS-D, and I’m having trouble with symptoms. What are some natural ways to deal with it? –Robert from Turnersville, NJ ********** Robert, As you probably know now, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be broken down into three different conditions. Folks with IBS-C suffer from chronic constipation, those with IBS-D battle...