One Easy Way to Avoid Disability

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard that exercise is good for you. It can lower your risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease and even certain cancers. But this latest discovery about the powers of exercise is something every person 70 years or older needs to know.

Wartime Coffee Substitute Fights Diabetes and Arthritis

A wartime coffee shortage led to a New Orleans tradition that not only delivers on taste but also adds to your health. Discover more about this healthy drink...

Eat These Foods After Garlic for Fresh Breath

Garlic breath happens to the best of us. It’s the uncomfortable, embarrassing and inevitable side effect of enjoying one of the world’s tastiest and healthiest foods. But scientists have recently discovered two foods that can help you rid yourself of this pungent condition with just a few bites.

The DEA Wants You to Take Dangerous Drugs

Pain is a serious medical condition in America. And with it comes an ever-growing number of people becoming addicted to dangerous painkillers. Recently, scientists have discovered a natural plant that can defeat both, but the DEA has banned it. Find out how this ban could affect your health or the health of someone you love.

From the Mailbag: Psoriasis Solved and the Decaf Dilemma

Tune in today as we dig into the mailbag. We’ll talk about a natural solution for psoriasis and answer an important question about the powers of decaf coffee.

Diabetics Destroy Risk of Eye Disease With This Type of Fat

Diabetes doesn’t just affect your internal organs. It can also damage your eyes. Find out how a certain type of fat can cut your chances of experiencing diabetic eye problems in half!

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U.N. Targets Deadly Health Threat

Last week, the United Nations declared war on a deadly health threat. Find out what it is and what you can do to protect yourself…

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Asthma Attacks Reduced by This Common Vitamin

Could a simple vitamin change the lives of 300 million people? According to new research, it’s possible. Find out more…

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Scientists Discover Unlikely Cause of Loneliness

New research finds loneliness isn’t just due to isolation. Discover the underlying reason for your long, lonely nights in today’s edition of Living Well Daily.

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Aggressive Prostate Cancer Caves to Powerful Nutrients

Prostate cancer affects one in seven men in this country. This means it might already be harming someone you love. Find out what tiny dietary change can help boost your chances against this deadly disease.

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From the Mailbag: Deadly Waffles and Determined Warts

Tune in today as we dig into the mailbag. We will show you how to determine if you have tainted waffles in your freezer and two natural ways to destroy warts.

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Keep Your Arteries Healthy With This Type of Fat

Are the silent effects of aging putting your heart at risk? Find out more…

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Napping Linked to Deadly Disease

If you take daytime naps, you might also be raising your chances of developing this deadly disease. Find out more.

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Destroy Diabetes With These Hearty Foods

Want to reduce your chances of developing diabetes? Then you need to start eating these hearty foods. Discover why…

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Throw out Your Vitamin B12! (If You're Not Taking It With This Supplement)

If you’re not taking this supplement, then you might as well toss your vitamin B12 in the trash! Plus, find out more about how this amazing nutrient duo can help you destroy your risk of dementia.

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Ordinary Gourd Squashes Cancer and Heart Disease

Could this ordinary gourd protect you from cancer and heart disease? Actually, yes. Find out how and where to get it today

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From the Mailbag: Hillary’s Health Scare and the Differences Between Alzheimer's and Dementia

Tune in today as we dig into the mailbag. We will discuss Hillary Clinton’s most recent health scare and examine the similarities and differences of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

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How to Cut Your Risk of Dementia in Half

Join us today as we reveal the one simple thing you can to do lower your risk of dementia by 50 percent.

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Natural Sleep Aid Also Fights Cancer

Does sleep deprivation lead to cancer? According to a new study, it might. Find out which type of cancer it can cause and the one thing you need to take to stop it.

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Stroke Linked to Debilitating Illness

A new study finds having a stroke could put you at greater risk for a debilitating disorder. Fortunately, there’s one vitamin that can help prevent both. Find out more...

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