Sleeping Like THIS Could Up Your COVID-19 Risk
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It’s no secret that COVID-19 is with us for good. We all have to start thinking of it more like the common cold, where you can get it more than once. As always, staying healthy is your best bet to avoid some of the worse complications of COVID-19. We quickly...

Learn How to Spot This “Red Flag” Vitamin Deficiency
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, You probably already know that vitamins are nutrients your body needs but can’t produce itself. Ideally, you get them through a well-balanced diet, but there’s also nothing wrong with supplementing now and then. But what you may not know is, when your body is missing a nutrient, it sends up...

BOOST Your Heart Health by 30%... without Exercise?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, People will argue about almost anything these days… a quick scroll through Facebook will show you that. And this can be especially true when you start talking about health. But you know what no one argues about? Exercise. Study after study has shown that getting exercise will benefit almost every...

Could This Drug WORSEN Your Diabetes? (Shocking)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, It is mind-blowing that such useless drugs are still being prescribed today. And more problems CONTINUE to be found with mainstream medications every day. If I had a dollar for every time I wrote “these are some of the worst drugs on the planet” in this e-letter, I’d be a...

Super Duo SLASHES Your Autoimmune Disease Risk
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Did you know that there are over 100 known autoimmune diseases? I’m talking about conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, celiac disease, Grave’s disease, and type 1 diabetes. You might think that these diseases are rare, but that’s a common misconception. They affect over 23.5 million Americans— that’s seven percent...
Mailbag! 7 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s
I’ve noticed my husband has been forgetting things more often and I’m worried about dementia. How do you know when it’s time to go to the doctor to get tested? –Patti from Milwaukee, WI Patti, It’s comforting to remember that as we age, we do tend to become less “sharp.” Everyone has lapses in memory....
Deep-Sea Secret DESTROYS Cancer Cells
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Cancer treatments haven’t changed much in the last 100 years. You may have seen headlines touting some amazing new treatment, but most new chemotherapy drugs are the same as old chemotherapy drugs. They’re designed to poison cancer cells before they poison your healthy cells… which sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t....
SLOW Memory Loss by 60% with This “Age Insurance” Policy
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re like most folks, I’m guessing you have a few insurance policies. You probably have one on your house, on your cars, as well as a policy for your health. Well, what if you could buy an “age insurance” policy… specifically, for your memory? A new study shows that...
Easy Routine Arms You Against Pneumonia
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I know your mind may have been elsewhere this last year, with COVID-19 taking up most of the space to think about our health. But in the background are other diseases that continue to devastate people’s health. And while they’re not making headlines, they’re still just as dangerous. Pneumonia is...
Six Easy Ways to SLASH Your Risk of Liver Disease
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If statistics hold true, then 25 percent of you reading this will have a condition you don’t know you have. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) affects one-quarter of Americans… but those numbers are rising fast. NAFLD is a disease that strikes in the dark. In fact, it’s almost symptomless until...
Have Antidepressants FINALLY Been Busted?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Every now and then, I get a scientific study that makes me laugh out loud. It’s not the topic that I find hilarious– quite the opposite. The reason I find myself chuckling over research is because of all the crazy math these mainstream researchers do, to try to make the...
Strange “Water Vegetable” Fights COVID-19?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Ideally, your diet should be made up of as many different types of foods as possible. Many people eat the same foods over and over: the same breakfast, the same snacks, the same dinner. The problem is, this can lead to you missing out on certain nutrients. And with COVID-19...
Mailbag! How to Get Your Balance Back
I noticed that my balance is off. What would you suggest to fix it? –Hank from Johnson City, TN Hank, There can be MANY reasons for a person’s balance to be off: inner ear problems (including infections), head injury, poor blood circulation, certain medications, both low AND high blood pressure, neurological (nerve) conditions, There’s also...
Mainstream Drug Causes Brain Bleeding!?
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, No one sets out to get a head injury (except for maybe those prankster fellas on that show whose name I won’t mention in polite company). But it can still happen to anyone. Traumatic brain injury can occur when you receive a violent blow or jolt to your head. Anytime...
COVID-19 INCREASES Your Risk of This Deadly Disease
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I keep hearing on the news that each new COVID-19 variant is more infectious than the last. So far, the mainstream has done everything but outright SAY that we’re all going to get it at some point. But the problem with this sort of thinking is, it makes people shrug...
5 Reasons Why You Can’t Stop Snacking
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Have you noticed that you get hungry more often than those around you? It doesn’t seem to matter if you just ate… you’re still hungry! Maybe you find, more often than not, your stomach growling, you feel on edge, or you even get shaky at times. If this sounds like...
How to Spot a BAD Doctor… and How to Find a Better One
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Finding a doctor can be hard… but finding a good doctor is even harder! A lot of times you’re forced to settle for a doctor simply because they have an opening, take your insurance, or are located nearby. Sometimes it works out, but far too often, it doesn’t. And huge...
These 3 Diseases Now Linked to Dementia
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, I’m old enough to remember a time when the only way to know whether someone had Alzheimer’s disease was to perform an autopsy. And in truth, it wasn’t that long ago. Today we have all sorts of ways to tell whether you have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, including PET and...
Beat Chronic Fatigue with This Effortless Trick
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you’re scratching your head about what to do about chronic fatigue syndrome, you’re not alone. While there’s a lot of pain and misery with having chronic fatigue, it’s the overwhelming exhaustion that most people struggle with. You’ve probably tried extra strength coffee, energy drinks, and all sorts of tricks....
Mailbag! RELIEF for Annoying Night Sweats
I get night sweats so bad I have to get up and change my clothes and sheets, not just once but two to three times a night. Do you have any advice for this? –Petra from Boise, ID Petra, There are two main types of night sweats: hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal night sweats are caused...