COVID-19 Masks: Are They Protecting You?
Dear Reader, Over the past few months there’s been a lot of mixed information regarding the coronavirus and face masks. However, recently President Trump recommended that all Americans cover their faces when going outside of their homes. Many mayors and governors have already suggested the same. But the real question is: is wearing a mask...

Daily Habit PREVENTS Diabetes?!
Dear Reader, Diabetes is a health disaster hitting the United States like a tidal wave. What’s worse? Not only is this disease disrupting daily lives, but poor blood sugar control can reduce your lifespan by 7 to 12 years. And those final years living with diabetes are usually pretty ugly… you can lose your eyesight,...

“Liquid Gold” SLASHES Heart Attack Risk 15%
Dear Reader, Your doctor has all kinds of suggestions for improving your heart. He’ll have you revamping your diet, taking all kinds of medicines, tell you to start up a new exercise routine. While diet and exercise are certainly important, there’s an easier way to reduce your risk of a heart attack. And it’s probably...

COVID-19: Are Your Groceries Putting You at Risk?
I don’t know if you noticed, but grocery stores have become extremely crowded lately. It makes sense since we are all cooking at home more thanks to the pandemic. Not to mention, grocery stores are one of the few places cooped up people go to get out of the house… But that means your local...

“Sound Trick” Can ELIMINATE Your Pain?!
Dear Reader, Chances are you or someone you know is suffering in pain. Maybe it’s from an injury, arthritis, or post-heart attack. But your doctor says there’s nothing he can do to stop your pain. While doctors have (rightfully) stopped handing out pain medications like candy (because opioids are addictive and killing people), what are...
[WARNING] Taking a New Drug? Read THIS First
Dear Reader, I have a question for you. Would you volunteer for medical study? Most people wouldn’t. And that is a big problem for mainstream medicine. You’ve probably heard experts on TV pleading for money to fund scientific studies to find a cure for the recent coronavirus. Somehow, those experts think all science needs is money...
[BREAKING] Could A Pre-Existing Condition Put You at RISK for COVID-19?
Dear Reader, There’s one topic on everyone’s minds lately: COVID-19. You’re probably familiar with all the preventative measures like wearing masks and gloves, washing your hands, and avoiding public places. And I’m sure you’ve heard about high risk populations like the elderly or those with heart conditions who should remain indoors at all costs… But...
Nature’s Blood Pressure CURE
Dear Reader, When you think of the dangers of high blood pressure, the usual suspects come to mind: heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. And with good reason. Those “top killers” take the lives of thousands every year. And the reality is fact, even the slightest uptick in your blood pressure could put you on...
Is Your Prescription RUINING Your Sex Drive?
Dear Reader, If you’re a man over fifty, you’ve probably thought about your testosterone levels. And with good reason. Having low testosterone can make you feel fatigued, reduce your sex drive, make you gain weight and lose muscle. But that doesn’t mean you should rush out and get a prescription for testosterone. These often just...
COVID-19: The REAL Symptoms to Watch for
Dear Reader, It seems like everywhere you turn you find yourself face to face with the word: coronavirus. And with all the hype and constant media coverage, the amount of information is downright overwhelming. With all the conflicting information from so-called experts to your Aunt Mabel’s neighbor, it can be hard to know what the...
Is Your Home Device DESTROYING Your Health?!
Dear Reader, It goes without saying that we all try our best to lead happy and healthy lives. You eat well (on most days), you keep your house clean, you lock your doors at night to protect your family – maybe you even have a built in security system. But what if I told you...
Mainstream LIES About This Popular Breakfast Drink
Dear Reader, Almost all foods (like soy, almonds, coffee, milk…) have advertising companies trying to convince you to eat more of their product. The problem is, most of these advertisers base their claims in “truth”, but occasionally they tell lies. Lies which can be harmful to your health. And that is exactly what happened when...
This “Hidden Injury” Can SKYROCKET Your COVID-19 Risk
Dear Reader, One of the difficult things about the COVID-19 infection is a lack of good data about who is getting sick and who is at risk. Part of the reason we don’t have good data is because of the newness of the infection. But it’s also because many countries are hiding the true numbers...
“Healthy” Drink Is DESTROYING Your Waistline
Dear Reader, Pretend it’s lunchtime on a Friday. You’ve decided you’re going to treat yourself (it’s the weekend after all) and place an order from your favorite restaurant. You look over your options and decide you’re going to treat yourself with some French fries or breadsticks to go with your meal. Maybe you’re feeling just...
Dr. Scott’s #1 Anti-Aging Secret (SHOCKING!)
If you’re in your golden years, you already know your body (and looks) aren’t quite what they used to be. Maybe your knees creak when you stand up… or maybe you don’t feel as strong as you used to… or maybe you’re just tired of seeing those deep wrinkles when you look in the mirror....
Diet “Trick” Puts the BRAKES on Brain Fog
Dear Reader, I think we can all agree, there’s one big downside to getting older: everything starts to slow down. You move slower… it takes you longer to get things done… Even your brain takes longer. It’s harder to think and remember things as clearly as you used to. Sometimes it even feels like it’s...
Is Your Hearing DESTROYING Your Most Vital Organ?
Dear Reader, I have a question for you. How often do you catch yourself asking a friend or a loved one: “What did you say?” Do you find that you ask people to repeat themselves regularly? Maye you have trouble following a conversation in a restaurant or other loud places. If so, chances are you...
The 20-Minute Secret to a Longer Life
I’ve seen a lot of health fads in my day. And each one seems wackier than the one before. I’m talking about wonder drugs that are supposed to cure everything… or eating nothing but grapefruit to lose weight. But I’m telling you that living a long, healthy life doesn’t have to be so hard. In...
Strengthen Your Heart Without Lifting a Finger
How would you like to get all the benefits of exercising without having to lift a finger? What if I told you that you could make your heart stronger, move blood throughout your body, lower your blood pressure – all while helping you sleep, giving your immune system a boost and throw in a detox...
The Belly Trick for PERFECT Sleep
A good night’s sleep can be hard to come by during these stressful times. But not getting enough rest is like playing with fire… it’s terrible for your health. And, unfortunately, lots of the sleep meds on the market either don’t work, don’t work for long, or can make your problems worse. Fortunately, there’s an...