RECHARGE Your Memory in 10 Min. (Easy)
The biggest problem I have with the mainstream approach to memory loss is this… They don’t see a problem UNTIL there IS a problem. In other words, you don’t see too many doctors writing prescriptions for preventative care. But when it comes to your memory, chances are the clock is already ticking… and every step...

Meatless Diet DEPLETES This Heart-saving Nutrient
Long-term readers will know I’m pro-vegetable. In fact, I spend most of my time telling my patients to eat MORE of them! But becoming a vegetarian or vegan? That’s another story. The mainstream has spent years demonizing meat, but cutting out meat from your diet could put you in danger. According to a new study,...

Jumpstart Stroke Healing with Singing!?
Editor’s note: I want to wish you and your family a happy, healthy Thanksgiving! Thank you for being a loyal reader, and know that I’m grateful for you. Dear Living Well Daily Reader, If you or someone you know has had a stroke, you know firsthand how hard it is to recover. It’s a...

Mailbag! RESTORE Lung Health (Ex-Smokers)
I finally quit smoking a few years ago, and I was wondering if there was a way to help clear out my lungs. –Simon from Boise, ID First of all, let me say congratulations! Early in my career, I worked with heroin addicts who told me it was easier to stop heroin than to stop...

CONQUER A-fib Symptoms FAST (Wow!)
I’ve had many patients come into my office seeking treatment for atrial fibrillation… but it’s still hard for me to see. A-fib (as it’s often called) is a dangerous disease. The heart palpitations alone are nerve-wracking, but knowing that you could suddenly have a blood clot in your heart is a lot for any person...
[LADIES] Delicious Fruit TRIMS Belly Fat
The holidays are just around the corner, and you know what that means… The endless parade of cookies… pies… casseroles. And they don’t just leave dirty dishes behind. All of these treats can pack on the stubborn pounds. But now, you might just have a secret weapon in your arsenal. Research has found that this...
Defeat Alzheimer’s with Prenatal Vitamins!?
My wife and I were looking through our photo albums the other evening, enjoying a little stroll down memory lane. We were laughing about the good times, and even some of the bad times, when it struck me… Not everyone will have this luxury. See, if you’re a senior, your memory is one of your...
REVIVE Your Passion in Minutes? (Wow!)
How do you like it when a mainstream doc tells you, “it’s just a normal part of aging?” I guess “normal” means you don’t sleep as well as you used to, you take more and more drugs, and let’s not even mention what happens in the bedroom… But don’t listen to any of that hogwash....
Mind-robbing Disease DOUBLES Death Risk! (Men)
Something is stealing the lives of men. Before our very eyes, our fathers, brothers, and friends are being snatched away at an alarming rate. And the cause is so dark, no one will talk about it. But today, I’m going to shed some light on the subject. Researchers have found that if you’re a senior...
Acid-Blocking Drugs Now Linked to THIS Disease!
Heartburn can be terribly uncomfortable. That feeling of tightness and burning in your chest is miserable! And being told you have to give up your favorite foods to find relief doesn’t make anything better either. Now, when your heartburn strikes, you might be tempted to reach for acid-blocking medicine. And who could blame you? But...
Mailbag! Try THIS for Embarrassing Bloating and Gas
I suffer from constant bloating. No matter how little I eat, I feel as stuffed as if I just had Thanksgiving dinner. What should I do? –Pearl from Lancaster, PA Bloating most often happens when the microorganisms in the gut have a meal. As the collection of bacteria and other organisms eat, they produce gas…...
[UNCOVERED] This Silent Threat Is KILLING Seniors
Most of you readers are already pretty good about taking care of yourselves. You recognize when something’s wrong and you pay attention to it. Whether it’s that ache in your back, or you’re feeling tired more often… you do the same thing: seek out a solution. Sometimes, however, the problem is subtler than that… and...
INDULGE Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure?! (Yum)
Dear Living Well Daily Reader, Trying to get the perfect blood pressure can really wear you down. The never-ending hours on the treadmill… the risky drugs from your mainstream doc… And what does it get you? Some barely-moved numbers and a long list of side effects. Plus, all the stress of managing it just ends...
Popular Mainstream Treatment Linked to Colon Cancer!?
When it comes to preventing colon cancer, your mainstream doc will give you all sorts of dietary suggestions. Mostly, they’ll tell you to give up some of your favorite things, like red meat, dessert, and alcohol. But here’s what they won’t tell you: Something THEY give you increases your risk of this deadly disease! That’s...
The REAL “Skinny” on Saturated Fat (Shocking)
Oh, mainstream medicine… will it ever get anything right? Again, they’re trotting out the tired old line, FAT IS BAD FOR YOU! But this latest mistake, however, is truly embarrassing. Because, as always, there’s MORE to the story. Don’t worry—I’m going to give you “the skinny” on fat… and tell you exactly what the mainstream...
Is This Drug Ruining Your Memory? (Ladies Only!)
For years, research studies have been done on populations that have nothing to do with the people who are going to take the drugs. For example, they might test a drug for seniors on a group of college kids… So of course the results aren’t going to be the same! And all of this inconclusive...
“Fork Trick” Banishes Painful Migraines Up to 40%
A patient named Cindy walked into my office and flopped onto the chair. The bags under her eyes and her apparent total exhaustion told me that she’d been through a lot lately. She then complained that she’d had more headaches recently, and had been having migraines most her of adult life. But worst of all,...
Mailbag! Living with Stage 3 Kidney Disease
I’m living with stage 3 kidney disease, and I was wondering if you had suggestions for helping manage it. Currently I’m drinking six bottles of water a day to try to prevent going on dialysis like my mother and brother have had to. –Tim from Boston, MA Tim, There are two primary causes of kidney...
“Magic Potion” REDUCES Heart Disease Risk 26%? (Study)
If you’ve got grandkids, you’ve probably watched one of the Harry Potter movies at some point. In this magical world of wizards, they have a spell or potion for just about anything you can think of! If only it were that easy when it comes to taking care of your heart. But now, maybe it...
Missing Nutrient INCREASES Osteoporosis Risk?
I’m sick and tired of hearing the mainstream talk about calcium. No animal on Earth consumes as much calcium as we humans do… and yet we still have some of the frailest bones! But new research shows I’ve been right all along… because the REAL reason for weak bones has nothing to do with calcium....